Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    I LOVE Plyo... I'm on Phase 2 and made the switch from Lean to Classic, just so I could do Plyo once a week! Make sure you have some good sneakers!!
    Resa... Too funny... I'm good on sneakers thankfully... My workout room is ready & waiting...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    The first time I did Plyo I had to stop within the first 15 minutes of it and change shoes. I finally bit the bullet and spent some $ on a really good pair of cross trainers just to save my poor feet. Totally worth it!!

    Best of luck!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    morning nothing fancy just 100 push ups 100 situps 50 leg lifts 50 knee lifts and 12lb ball for 40 leg lifts laying on floor thats about it not much :ohwell:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWO - Plyometrics


    Tony Horton refers to Plyometrics as "The Mother of All X Workouts." I don't know if he's telling the truth yet since this is only the second X workout for me, but if they get too much tougher than this, I am in for a SERIOUS butt-kicking. I tend to enjoy the irony in making the MUTHA (the new title I have given to Plyometrics) the second workout a new P90X'er gets to enjoy / suffer through. No sense holding back; you may as well let a person know what they're in for, right Tony..?

    This was a seriously demanding workout and seriously tough to push through. Lots of jumping and leaping, so you can imagine what my legs feel like. There was one exercise (whose name I forgot through the haze of burn and hard-breathing) where you hop straight up and bring your knees to your hands. I swear, I could barely get my quads to pull my legs up to meet my hands I was so wasted. I'm amazed at how far the intensity is ramped up from Power90. I mean, you REALLY have to get after it and stay after it, and the MUTHA is almost an hour long.

    Ok, I'm going to attempt to walk to the shower now... lol. Tomorrow is Shoulders & Arms and ARX again. Should make for an interesting morning...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    morning nothing fancy just 100 push ups 100 situps 50 leg lifts 50 knee lifts and 12lb ball for 40 leg lifts laying on floor thats about it not much :ohwell:
    Eriny... Hey bro, that's more than a lot of people can manage at a time, so no shame there. Do you vary your hand positioning in your push-ups at all?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Great job pushing through your first Plyo... The whole time I did it, the only thought in my mind was "Hooooolllllyyyyyy Craaaaaap!!!!". It's now my favorite workout. And I think that Yoga is harder than Plyo, but for totally different reasons... Everyone has a different opinion, though.

    Eriny-Your results have been incredible! It's amazing what a person can do without a gym membership and all those long waits for equipment... Great job!
  • nbyrd
    nbyrd Posts: 9
    I just started p90x yesterday... and I woke up this morning to do Plyo at 4:30... and ended up going jogging instead... I couldn't straighten my arms :-( I guess I pushed a little to hard on C&B. They've gotten much better throughout the day... trying again when I get home from work.

    Great to hear other folks are fighting this with me.

    btw... has anyone figured out how to enter this into the exercise portion of the site?
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    yes hands shoulder width , together, hands together in front , and wide apart also postion them by my waist and situps with 10 lb weight also
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    thank you miss resa :blushing:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Nbyrd-The only way that I've found is accurate is buying a good Heart Rate Monitor, one that tells you how many calories you burn, and then entering it in manually. For me, I've found that when weightlifting, I can burn anywhere from 380-560 calories with P90X, Kenpo about 400+, and then Plyo anywhere from 670-770, but it's different for each person.

    Anything that I entered in that would be similar was waaaay off when I used my HRM. The site is very good for guestimating, but I really wanted to be as close as possible to my actual number... Hope it helps!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Finished plyo! I can see how it might become my favorite! Although my legs feel like jello, I also feel
    STRONG for finishing!:happy: I must get a good pair of cross-trainers as my feet did really hurt!:grumble: As for entering the calories, I wear a hrm and enter the exercises under custom headings.

    Welcome to the gang, Erin! Your routine looks intense!!!:drinker:
  • jeena
    jeena Posts: 29
    shoulders and arms tomorrow team!!
    hopefully i will be able to raise my arms. my legs are numb after plyo but my strawberry shake was awesome afterwards.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    nbyrd... Great to have you on board the fit train with us. Keep letting us know how you're doing. Also, if you're hunting for a reasonably priced heart rate monitor, try eBay... Got one there new that $100 retail for $34... Can't hardly beat that... :wink:

    Eriny... You are a push-up MACHINE bro..!

    April, Jeena... I hear you on the pain piece... I was whupped after Plyo this morning, legs especially... Can't wait for Shoulders & Arms in the morning..!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Great job pushing through your first Plyo... The whole time I did it, the only thought in my mind was "Hooooolllllyyyyyy Craaaaaap!!!!". It's now my favorite workout. And I think that Yoga is harder than Plyo, but for totally different reasons... Everyone has a different opinion, though.

    Eriny-Your results have been incredible! It's amazing what a person can do without a gym membership and all those long waits for equipment... Great job!
    Resa... Lol... You know, there were times during the workout when I caught myself looking at the time remaining clock and thinking, "There's HOW much time left in this thing..?!?!?"
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THREE - Shoulders & Arms, ARX

    Wow... Another day of getting hammered... lol. Gotta keep this brief as I have to head to the office today, but everything from my shoulders to my fingertips is wondering what the heck just happened. I will say though that I have a new exercise I like: the Side-Tri-Rise. Mmm mmm good. :)

    Of course, Ab Ripper X was just as tough as it was on Monday, but that's what I expect pretty much. I don't see that getting much easier ever, for me at least. Can't wait to have those "washboard" abs man.

    Have a great Hump Day everyone.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Day 3- shoulders and arms- felt good! I need to up my weight for next time. I was a little afraid of not making it through, so I held back a little. Used mainly 10# for all exercises. Tony, I agree, side-tri raises are AWESOME!!!

    ARX KILLED me today!!!!!!!:noway: Could not do those v-up things to save my life. I just laid on the floor!:laugh: :grumble: I got too ambitious with the first 3-4 exercises and went for all 25 reps- A BIG MISTAKE!!!

    Looking forward to yoga tomorrow! I love yoga!:smile: Since the weather's really nice here today, I may have to fit in a short run. I'm not getting the calorie burn that many folks do.:grumble:

    Have a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello all 100 situps and 100 pushups done :glasses:
  • nbyrd
    nbyrd Posts: 9
    Well, yesterday was a bust and I missed working out... so I got in Shoulders and Arms this morning (not to bad) and going to get in Yoga tonight (argh). Rather double up than miss one.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Good for you, nbryd. I'll do yoga this afternoon, too. This am I ran 2 miles and worked out with my trainer. I've been with her for 4 years and don't want to drop her. She's kept me going when I wasn't very good to myself.:grumble: :smile:

    Tomorrow dh took a day off, so I'll put him through legs & back and ARX! We'll see how he holds up!!:wink:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning all 100 situps 100 pushups 40 leglifts with 12lb ball done :glasses: also 30 incline situp with 6 lb ball not p90x but trying to hang with you all :drinker: