Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    the way the days going looks like ill be working on :drinker: :drinker: and more :drinker:
    We all have those:drinker: days! You'll get through it!!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    week 4 day 6 done!!! :smile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWELVE - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Goodnight! Oh man, I am beyond wasted. I kept the same routine with the other exercises this week and pushed myself hard. Here's the best part. I knocked out every single rep of every single exercise, including the ab workout (I'm starting to think that the Mason Twist might be on the list of illegal torture methods in the Geneva Convention... lol). In terms of pull-up exercises, tonight I knocked out a total of 92 total reps, about half of which were lightly chair-assisted. Awesome.

    Tonight, I'm keeping it brief. My ladies need some daddy / hubby time, and I am spent. Kenpo X in the morning... Oh yeah, bring it on Tony Horton... Bring it on.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Eriny... Oh man, after tonight's workout I could for sure use a few :drinker: ... lol.

    Tracy... You are a MACHINE woman... Keep at it!! How are your workouts going? Having to work hard to get through it? Pushing yourself?

    April... Hey lady... Hope your workout went well today. Those leg exercises are a KILLER... Good god y'all..!!

    Resa... How are things in the frosty north? Still dealing with that volcano situation up there..?

    Well my good people, I am outta here to spend some time with my girly-girls... I'll be back on the horse in the morning. You folks have a great night... Take care...
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Well, the day didn't end up as planned. Didn't get to legs and back/ARX.:grumble: I did a 2.25 mile run, however, so not a complete loss.:smile: It's 10pm, and I'm tired. To make up for it, I'll crank out legs and back/ARX tomorrow morning and get in kenpo in the afternoon! It would kill me to miss a day so early on!!!:mad:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    So far, so good with the whole volcano situation... We had some ash fall on us yesterday, but today it was snowing... Which is actually supposed to help, because it reduces the amount of ash fall. I want the dumb thing to be over with, though...

    Ran my couch to 5k program this morning-legs and back tonight... Boy will I be feeling it!:sad:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Way to go, MissResa!!!:flowerforyou: That was my intention!:grumble: Oh, well. As Scarlett O'Hara says- "Tomorrow is another day!":happy:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think everyone is entitled to an off day, or two, or in my case more like 5 or 6... Dumb volcano and poor kids being sick... But at least the program is forgiving as long as you stick with it at least 95% of the time...:bigsmile:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    But at least the program is forgiving as long as you stick with it at least 95% of the time...:bigsmile:

    Good to hear that! I did Legs and Back plus ARX this am, will crank out kenpo this afternoon. It's raining here so no guilt about missing something outside!!!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey Tony recovery week done and yes i did have to push myself really missed the weights and all but tomorrow starts week 5 woohoooo have a great day
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Hey everybody - I started on March 16 as well. Already lost 3 inches off my waist, and 8.5 lbs. Before I started, I could only do 2 pull ups. Last night during Legs and Back, I started with 14 chin ups, and 12 pull ups. I am finding the second week to be tougher because now I am attempting all of the reps for each workout - and I am putting forth a better effort. Really sore right now after Kenpo X this morning.

    My flexibility is an issue - I can touch my toes when stretching my hamstrings - but when I do Ab Ripper X or Yoga, I can hardly straighten my legs. Trying to get more flexible.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    My flexibility is an issue - I can touch my toes when stretching my hamstrings - but when I do Ab Ripper X or Yoga, I can hardly straighten my legs. Trying to get more flexible.

    The more you do this, the better you'll get!:flowerforyou: Just finished kenpo! Awesome!!! I think I need to find weighted gloves for an extra burn!!

    Stretch X tomorrow- yipee!!!:heart:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THIRTEEN - Kenpo X

    Today was the first disappointment of my trip through P90X. Yesterday during Legs & Back, I pulled something out of alignment in the vertebrae near my right shoulder blade. I've had the injury before, so the pain was familiar. I really should have gone to my chiropractor yesterday to have it re-aligned, but I put it off. Kenpo X made me pay for it tonight.

    I had about 25 minutes left in the workout, and I had been compensating fairly well for the pain through the arm work. Once Tony started the leg work in earnest, the pain became too much to bear and too distracting, particularly during kicks where I was spotting a target across my body or to the rear. The movement of the head twisted my spine in such a way that caused that pain to shoot through the inside of my shoulder blade. About five minutes of that was all I could take, and I had to stop.

    So, lesson learned. When one of these workouts jerks my spine out of whack, I'm going to have to make sure I get the issue handled quickly lest it lead to a shortened workout. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait for Monday to get the matter handled. Thankfully, tomorrow is a rest day. Time to take it easy, let my body rest, and get to the doc Monday so I can press on.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tracy... Ok, get ready to pick up the heavies and get to heaving... Back to resistance next week for you lady! Don't forget to study your material for your TKD rank test... April 3rd will be here before you know it. Go get 'em.!

    Rowerc2... Welcome aboard, and sounds like you're already seeing some great results from P90X. That's the kind of thing that will motivate you for sure. I hear you on pushing through for all the reps. I've really been attacking these workouts this week, and unfortunately, it cost me tonight on Kenpo X. I'm gonna have to move my Monday workout to the evening so I can get to the doc during the day. As to the flexibility... If you do it, flexibility will come. It can be frustrating at first, but just give yourself the time; you'll get there. Here's hoping you'll hang with us; we're all taking this journey together...

    April... Doing Kenpo X with hand weights, eh? Impressive. You could be super-duper and get ankle weights, too. You're definitely a better woman than I am... particularly since I'm a guy!

    Ok, my shoulder blade is in pain, so I'm heading to bed. Enjoy your take-it-easy day everyone, and be ready to hustle on Monday...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok, time for a little experiment... This should be... Me doing Reverse Warrior pose in Yoga X...


    (Ok, not working... I'll try to figure that out tomorrow...) :bigsmile:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    tony thanks im ready BRING IT
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tracy... That's great to hear lady! I'm looking forward to hearing how the rank test goes.

    Looks like I'm not gonna be able to bring it until tomorrow evening. Got to head to my chiropractor tomorrow to get this pain in my shoulder blade handled before I can lift again. Should be good to go for tomorrow night.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Ooooh... Listen to your body and take it easy!!! I hope you get better soon!:ohwell:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Bear with me... here's another test photo post...

  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    WOO HOO!! IT WORKS..!!!! MUUah ha ha haaaaaaaaa... :bigsmile: