

  • i was always told, when i still have alot of weight to lose n then you kind of platau then you need to step it up, i lost 13 lbs in 2 months by speed walking twice a day during my 20 min breaks at work, n now im running for 15 min during my 30 min lunch n i broke the platau, so i lost 1 lb sence i steped it up, i moved…
  • omg i though i lost your idea, i found it yesterday n then couldnt find it till i did search for wong tong wrappers, lol, this is wonderful idea think you for shearing,
  • my sis told me bout them and all the healthy benefits of them so i got them, i have Diverticullitis n cant eat seeds but these help, i take cod liver oil n coconut oil, i put them in my drinks let it sit for 15 min n drink it down, i havnt seen a big diff in my body but what will it hurt
  • my daughter loaned to me, she lost alot, so i too lost 7 lbs, but im using some of the meal idea with myfitnesspal n it is very duable, i dont use the grits n wheat bread cuz of carbs but it does have good recipes n alot of info to grow on, so i say do both
  • im with you i love french ven in my coffee, that is my vice n im sticking to it
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