

  • Grey's Anatomy. I know, tons of people watch that. It is "guilty" because I don't even allow talking while I watch it.
  • I had a terrible day yesterday, so I slacked and ate cake and drank wine. Not too much, but some. Today, I got right back up, made up yesterday's strength training, did today's aerobics, walked two miles for a cool down, oh and did 10x10 ab reps. I also ate really well. You said small, but for me it was a huge success. I…
  • You must look at NET calories. Everyone is correct. Women should NET 1200 calories minimum. Also, are you using the tool for macro breakdowns? Make sure you are getting enough fuel (and in proper proportions) so that your metabolism can stay up and running. Good job on the splitting it into 6 small "meals"... but DO…