Too soon for Plateau



  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    It's seems to me the universe does not allow certain people to lose weight in July. I've lost weight every month since Jan but none this month. Hang in there. August will be golden!
  • I am totally hearing you!! I guess because the shakes worked so great in the first month I was hoping for the same this month. I have learnded to eat healthier while on Isagenix so I have no doubt I can make the right chocies with "real food". lol I guess I have become used to my 1 meal a day but I am totally up for trying anything to get this ball moving again

    A diet like that can be a great jump start, but I agree with everyone else, it's not at all going to be sustainable. Allow me to let you in on a little secret I've learned from my own experience: weight loss isn't nearly as difficult as people tend to make it for themselves. If you tally up all the pounds I've lost in the past 7 years it probably adds up to 250ish. I know how it works. Sadly, I'm an emotional eater and I tend to gain it back during times of major stress. Anyway, I digress. My point is that you don't have to go on crazy diets or fitness plans or starve yourself to lose weight. I go over my calorie goal plenty and I don't work out as much as I should (working on gradual change here), and I don't have a problem at all with weight loss, nor have I ever in my weight loss history, plateau'd. You are welcome to add me and scrutinize my food diary, if you care to.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I agree. 1200 calories is not enough for an entire day. Especially if you're exercising on top of that. Also, what does your sodium intake look like? If you're getting too much sodium, you might be retaining water.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    eat back your exercise calories!!

    you are past the initial surge of weight loss. you need to up your calories, especially if you are exercising as much as you say you are.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
  • Moratu
    Moratu Posts: 22 Member
    Starvation, probably due to exercising on such reduced calories. Hang in there! Plateaus can be frustrating, but you can do it.
  • ShannonGo
    ShannonGo Posts: 60
    I agree about changing up your diet. I have lost 19.6lbs since April 19th and I've had one plateau that drove me to madness, but my husband has said over and over again that its not a plateau if the scale remains the same for a few weeks or even a month, as others have mentioned - other things can be changing - you could be building muscle, retaining water, losing inches or bloated due to hormonal changes. There are a lot of things that are unmeasured about weight loss.

    Are you sleeping better? Do you feel more energetic even after you do the 30 Day Shred? Do you see changes in how your clothing fits? Do you feel more jovial or happy in your day-to-day life?

    These are all of the things that I am relishing while my scale keeps saying "no change" and I'm fine with that. Keep in mind that 50 or 70lbs are just numbers, they're not the be-all, end-all of this journey.

    When I came out of the super annoying plateau, I lost over 2lbs, which was double what I had been logging previously. It was nice to log over 2lbs rather than 1 or 1.2lbs...
  • charabcr
    charabcr Posts: 3
    You must look at NET calories. Everyone is correct. Women should NET 1200 calories minimum. Also, are you using the tool for macro breakdowns? Make sure you are getting enough fuel (and in proper proportions) so that your metabolism can stay up and running. Good job on the splitting it into 6 small "meals"... but DO replace the calories on the days that you exercise. Like stated, if you are eating 1200, then burning 400, that is only netting 800. PLUS your body burns thousands of calories every single day just being up and living. In your case, your body has become shocked by the limited supply of food and adjusts your metabolism to store away calories for energy later and burn them more slowly. Try upping your calories to 1500, but again, make sure you NET that many or at minimum the 1200 after exercise deficits. (I personally eat 400 at each meal, and have 300 for my 2-3 snacks during the day.) This will tell your body that fuel IS available and then help you begin to raise your metabolism back up. Also, if you add in carbs or if the shakes are providing your carbs, eat or drink your carbs right before or after a workout. This ensures that the muscles are replenished and keeps your body burning calories after the workout. Also, basic math tells you that at 1200 calories or less each day, you will OBV lose weight as long as you are burning more than that each day. But having your fuel that dangerously low will cause many detrimental effects, including muscle loss and it will take you MUCH longer to lose that weight than if you appropriately fuel your body. As you have seen by the early plateau. Goal, eat as much as possible while you lose 1-2 lbs a week. Sounds slow, BUT that's 50-100 lbs a year!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • toffeewaffle
    toffeewaffle Posts: 23 Member
    As with what everyone else is saying you're not eating enough. If you are doing high impact exercising you're burning all those calories plus.

    I would lose the shakes and stay with what the calories MFP tells you. Since April when I've started I've already lost 46 lbs. That's with exercising 5-6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day. And staying a little bit under my calorie intake for the day. This is also with having a medical problems.

    But the reason you're not losing weight is that you've reached into starvation mode.
  • lukasmy2k
    lukasmy2k Posts: 10
    That is starvation for sure as everyone else has said!

    IMO the shakes are great for breakfast as they get you going, but then you need a balanced lunch and dinner, i find on exercise days i try to eat more for lunch as i burn it off at work, then a smaller dinner but everyone is different, stick with it, i had a rough spot (currently on the second) but i can see loss of inches with the weight the same.

    Good luck :)
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    It is. My typical day is as follows:

    Am - Shake
    Mid AM - Hard Boiled Egg
    Lunch - Salad with Chicken breast and vinaigrette dressing
    PM Snack - Apple
    PM Snack 2 - Cherries
    Dinner - Shake

    Along with 8 glasses of water a day :(

    Thanks for the help!!
    Congratulations of the great start to your weight loss, I would suggest at the very least cutting one of those shakes out n getting some more real food in. I also eat back most of my exercise calories. good luck and again great job!
  • Jalyst79
    Jalyst79 Posts: 50 Member
    I think you need to think long term regarding health. Are you going to have a shake every day for the rest of your life? Is this a plan you can follow to maintain your weight loss. You are not getting enough food to fuel your body. Try to eat smaller meals and more often throughout the day. Feel free to friend me or look at my diary. I burn a lot of calories so I eat more than you do. My diary isn't perfect, but it may give you some better ideas how to fuel your body. Best of luck!
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    My opinion would be, get rid of the shakes, eat a proper healthy plate full of food, lots of veggies, protein and carbs etc. Something your body can actually digest.

    Also if you goal is to lose all the weight as quickly as possible you may just as easily regain it when you have reached that point. Consider this whole process more about getting healthy, making good choices with food and exercise, changing the habits that gained you the weight in the first place. If its a life change its for life, a diet is temporary.

    Most people here are doing this to be healthy, the weight lose is the added bonus. 1 - 2 lbs a week is a good steady rate and maintainable without staring your body of the food and nutrients it needs to rebuild after exercise.

    This!!! Unless you plan on consuming shakes for the rest of your life... start eating real food.