galaxie_gurl Member


  • Your right you should be proud of yourself!! Focus on the fact that your working hard! And try to measure your losses in other ways too...such as inches lost! That is a much more accurate way of seeing results because weight can be deceiving!! Muscle and fat technically weigh the same but muscle is so much leaner :) Friend…
  • You are going to do great!! And like you said, your already off to an amazing start by exercising and eating right!! Just keep the positive attitude and you'll do amazing :) Feel free to add me :smile:
  • You can add me if you'd like! I'm in my weightloss journey and am always trying to be uplifting. I have focused more on facebook and Instagram but I'm looking to start making friends on here too that have similar goals :)
  • It's most likely because you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Which is an amazing thing because the more muscle you have the more calories you burn which means you'll eventually start seeing those pounds drop eventually :) It is one of the reasons I stress to people to not only watch the scale but to take measurements as…
  • Hey!! I noticed your looking for other weightloss friends :) I would to go thru this with you! I don't have as much to lose now but I've been on my journey for a couple of years now. After having my daughter I lost 80lbs in 8 months. I did well at maintaining (still needed to lose more) for a while then ended up pregnant…
  • I'm in my own weightloss journey and would love to help you with yours!! It's so much easier when you have help :) Feel free to add me as a friend of you'd like!
  • I completely understand where your coming from!! It is hard when you feel like your sliding downhill to get back on track but the best way to do it is to just forgive yourself and plan to start fresh! Just remind yourself that you CAN do it! A weekend of not great eating and 3 weeks of no exercise sucks BUT in the grand…
  • Going to be ordering the program in the next week. I am so excited to get started! I have recently lost 80lbs thru a different program and am now looking to lose about 15-20 more but to get a lot more definition. I have read a lot of great reviews and am looking forward to the challenge that I know awaits me. Does anyone…