

  • The real answer to your question should come from your doctor, but of course working out post-pregnancy is a must. So is healthy eating while brestfeeding. Eat lots of lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats, and you should have no problem. Try switching to whole milk, studies show that it actually aids in weight loss…
  • Focus on hitting your protein and fiber intake with healthy foods, like turkey, salmon, tons of veggies (steamed or salad, little or no oil), and you will feel fuller longer. Avoid processed foods, refined sugar, and empty calories!!! I have no trouble staying below my calories, and I make sure to eat these items at every…
  • mesclun greens + avocado + grapefruit or mango + gorgonzola cheese + Newman's Own Light Lime dressing = AWESOME.
  • Extra virgin olive oil is great for anything uncooked, like dressings, dips, pasta salad, etc. It tends to burn when you're using it to saute, so I use grapeseed oil for sauteed veggies, because it withstands higher temps. Nutrition-wise, they're all pretty much the same, just steer clear of anything with saturated or…
    in Which oil? Comment by muelle71 May 2011
  • fiber + lean protein + good fat = under calorie goal, not hungry. Check your daily goals for fiber, protein, fat, and eat accordingly, you'll never be hungry or over your daily calories.
  • I was drinking 3 4-shot lattes every day up until 3 months ago, when I decided to quit cold turkey. For the first couple of days, it was really difficult, but I made sure to drink tons of water. Each morning, I had a cup of tea with caffeine, and I had caffeine pills in my purse in case a headache hit. I only had to take a…
  • Definitely an issue to take up with your doctor. If you are getting thin by simply not eating, you aren't getting the proper nutrition to keep your metabolism up, and you'll pack the weight back on as soon as you're off the medication. Good luck!