fionaface Member


  • Yeah...the weird thing is that it still shows on my home page (but not my profile) that I have an active streak of six days. MFP is telling me two different, contradictory things. I am curious to see if I get a seven days logged in streak post tomorrow.
  • Good for you! That is an awesome victory, or actually, I should say that BOTH of those things (the being sober and the morning run not hurting at all) are things to celebrate and even shout to the world!!!
  • I am already getting some great ideas from all of you. Thank you for your suggestions!
    in Cheese Comment by fionaface June 2014
  • I am sure that my diet is not balanced properly, but I am at least committed to trying to make it better. I guess I am looking for ways to incorporate cheese into healthy meals, like salads. I know I have an issue with eating too much of it when I do eat it, but I think it is like teasing myself to taste just a little. The…
    in Cheese Comment by fionaface June 2014
  • IN RESPONSE TO: If you are eating packaged meals, what are your kids eating? You would be surprised. I cook for my kids (and they get from-scratch meals at daycare too), but haven't for myself. I won't make excuses for why. It is a fact though that I am trying to save money, and I don't eat when they do (I work…
  • Original poster again...I suppose I should add that I don't have to eat the three packaged meals a day. It is just what I have thought about, in combination of what I have done before and what is affordable for me. I do not have to keep to any set menu all the time. I just want it to be affordable and not impossible to…
  • First of all, I need to thank everyone for your comments. This has been one of the most stressful times of my life for sure. What I ended up deciding is to withdraw from the class on my own. This way, the teacher cannot stick me with a failing grade I know I don't deserve. I certainly had the option of completing all the…
  • Me too, Spartan_Maker! Go us!!! :)
  • I believe I am now at 118 days total, since day one of me joining MFP! :)
  • My mother is British, and even though she has lived in the United States for a little more than four decades now since marrying my dad, she still has a strong accent. Everything she says sounds awesome and fun!!!
  • I am so sorry to hear of how badly you have been treated. First of all, you are not a "sausage" at all. You are BEAUTIFUL! Please don't ever forget that! I also see you have already lost 19 pounds, so that is an amazing accomplishment. I think too often that people who say nasty things to others are truly feeling low about…
  • I was actually required to sign for up MFP, as a homework assignment for my college nutrition class. Even though I was "forced" to come here, I am staying by choice. I love this site and all the great tools (and most importantly great HUMAN support) that come along with it! :)
  • Everyone is probably going to have different feelings on this one, but here is my take. I've been married to my husband for 5.5 years and have known him for almost 7 years. In all that time we've been together, my husband is definitely at his heaviest right now (and by heaviest, I mean his BMI reading puts him in the obese…
  • Thanks! The number on the scale is nice (and a sign of hard work), but that is just a bonus. The real reward is spending quality time with my babies!!!
  • I have not deleted anyone yet since joining MFP back in February of this year, so I don't know what time frame I would set up for deleting people. I have three or four friends who haven't logged in for a week or more. Part of me says that maybe I should delete them now, but a bigger part of me wonders if they haven't…
  • Just to add my two cents...I like to weigh myself at home by myself without clothes on because I want as accurate a number as possible. Shoes can be quite heavy, and clothes can add up too (although not as much in the summertime of course). It is also true that one scale is going to weigh you differently than the next.…
  • I am seriously confused here. Three hours have gone by, but nobody has responded yet. I have posted topics before and received multiple responses within 5-10 minutes of posting. Is my question really that difficult? I thought for sure that some people here would have been through what I am trying to go through now and…
  • Yes! It is absolutely possible to eat out and still lose. I am one example of that! You just need to be sure to keep track of your calories. Also, if you have one "bad day" or "bad meal," then remember that it is not the end of the world. You might even want to have a calorie goal for your week, instead of just for one day…
  • You may have just started logging today, but it won't be your last day! MFP is addictive, but in a very, very good way! I joined 46 days ago (I think), and I haven't missed a day since. :) By the way, I love that you have a background as an RN. I'm starting RN school in May and will be done in two years and am so excited…
  • Yes, I totally forgot about gum! I do have some unopened packets of gum in the house right now, and I'll try to make that my "go-to munchie" the next time I get the urge. Great plan!!!
  • Right now, I am still pumping milk for my baby daughter (who is eight months old), so I don't want to purposely try to lose an unhealthy amount of weight right now. I have my daily calorie deficit set at 200 calories, which if I hit it regularly, should give my a weight loss of around half a pound a week. It is tricky to…
  • That is such a wonderful accomplishment for you. I hope you have many more "feel good" moments like that one. Pat yourself on the back also for serving others at a church. :):):)
  • Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Dip by Frito Lay! I dip either pretzels or those little, round tortilla chips in the cheese. I just am in love with the taste, but I'm smart enough to know not to do it too often. :)
  • My daughter will be 7 months old on Valentine's Day. 100% of her food is my breast milk, but I exclusively pump milk. My average amount pumped per day is 40 ounces, and I know that each ounce of milk produced is supposed to account for 20 calories burned. Doing the quick math, that basically means I burn 800 calories a day…
  • I am also a BSN student, and I work as a CNA. While school and work are important, the best/biggest part of my life is being a mom (and parenting my two young kids with my good-guy husband). Nurses/fellow nursing students, please consider adding me as well. I promise I am a good/supportive friend!!!!!
  • Thank you! I get it now!!!