Im trying it this year whoot lol
I would deff.. be interested :)
ok NVM i looked it up lol. (feeling dumb) lol
I know this may sounds funny but what is a HRM?
wow amazing work. good for you.. :)
> 5:30 am wake up before rest of family, > Eat a small breakfast, have 2 glasses of water with lemon wedge > stretch out to get your body ready for your workout > workout starting with my step ups 5 min vig steps > move into triceps 3 reps of 12-15 with whatever weight works for you > go back to step ups 3 mins vig.. >…
OK thanks bunches ladies. so Im gonna start saving then just to play it safe :)
The way i see it is, you are in it for yourself, if others dont feel the need to eat clean then they can deal with the concequenses. But you are. so I personally would deff go get what i want.. not what is put in front of me. and if she thinks it to be rude well thats life. you need to look out for yourself and your own…
I somewhat agree with the rest of the ladies here, however if this is a guy whom you may have tried to speek to before, but he just shunned you off because of your weight; then really is he worth it? I understand that if we are not happy with what we see then how can the next person be? senerio works, but again if this is…
I am currently saving my penies (so to speek) and when i hit my goal weight im going on a 5 day shopping spree all new clothes, shoes. and going on vacation with my husband in my new swimsuit to the bahamas :)
I agree, I would call your credit card company right away and stop all payments to them, then contact the BBB report them, And contact their head office to let them know what happend and if nothing is done you will take it furtherie news, freinds ect..., all at the same time contact your laywer advise him/her of whats…
Im not a big facebook fan. but i love my MFP more then anything.
Welcome to MFP, great bunch of supporters and motivators here. we wish you all the best with your journey :)
Honestly this may sound funny but it works for me: On my wall right in front of where i work out or do my JM shred, I have a full body picture of me now at my yucky weight (which makes me sad) And right beside it, I also have a picture of my face pasted on the body of a smaller girl which represents what i want to look…
Amazing. you look wonderful :)
I'm game count me in ill start tomorrow morning :)
you look fantastic keep up the excellent work :)
Sure NP. Basicly the run down on the book is : > how to get - and saty - motivated > living a longer happier more productive life > how to take the plunge into and exercise program > solutions for cellulite, saggy bits and loose skin > using food to raise your metabolisim and burn fat > over 50 healthy eat recipes > Menus…
Oh yea i would have soooo lost it on him and said something that prob would have been very un-lady like lol. Some people honestly got no class. And well he is obviously one of them. Thats right hunny you stand your ground and dont let some low life mr know it all tell you any different. "pat on the back for you " :)
I personally think if someone is not itnerested in you when you were "fat" as ignorant people would call it, then they are deff.. not worth giving a chance when you lose the weight! why bother giving them the satisfaction? If they didnt like you when you were or are big, then honestly they are looking to settle for all the…
agreed :)
Thanks :)
31? ;) lol
Very hard to do but can be done if "you" want it to happen :) cigs are like food they are an adiction and to give up 2 adictions at once contains a great deal of will power.
I have cut out POP, and junk food just recently. And my alcohol intake is next to none now.
You look great! keep up the great work :)
You need to eat all 3 meals durring the day and two small snacks like apples or something, Breakfast is very importanat as you need the food in the morning and pretty much every 3 hrs to give it a jump. Eating bosts your motab.. and this is what helps you loose your weight, if you starve yourself all day your body goes…
Married 2 years now and committed for 23 yrs I still love him and get the good buterflies everyday i see him. We are soul Mates :)
My knees click and grind, only because of my weight, i ruined them. Doc says I now have arthritis in my knees and im only 34yrs old:( sad eh! he tells me when im older i may need surgery, but at this point here in Nova Scotia unless extreem cases with someone my age and weight they will not fix them, so now im in pain…
No way not ever would i cheat on my husband.. we have been together for 23 yrs, and very happy, That man has been with me through thick and thin, he loves me no matter what and for that i have much respect and love. People that cheat if you ask me are cowards, and if they choose to live by the 80-20 rule so be it but im…