Finally getting up early to re-start my Yoga practice.
Was under calorie goal last 2 days and feeling good about today. Already got in one hour of running on treadmill. Burned a 1,000 calories already today. Hoping I will stay strong and do my daily yoga workout tonight. Good job everyone. Hang in there.
Just completed Insanity Workout. Feel so much better now.
Couldn't agree with this more. I am in too. Getting my workout in at lunch and staying away from remaining Christmas foods!
I need to lose 50. Feel free to add mine.
I am 37 and could really use some advice. I never give up but I am having a terrible time staying on track. I eat responsibly for a few days...up to 10 or so and then I "fall of the wagon". I think I have a really bad relationship with food because I am eating the wrong things for the wrong reasons. I am eating when I m…
I have a 3 yr old and 20 month old. I have found it nearly impossible to workout at home with them there. I usually have to do it on my lunch hour at the gym at work. That works good usually but work meetings, etc...sometimes interfere and the lunch hour goes really quick. One thing I found that I can do at home is push…
Cool - Martha's Run is in Pittsburgh too if u r ever interested in a good 10K.
What is everyone's favorite distance race? 5K? 10K? 13.1? 26.2? I like them all but nothing felt as good as 26.2. I have completed two marathons. If I do another one my goal would be to get under 4 hours. When I saw the person on the Biggest Loser do it I was holy crap if they can do it I can!
I would say to go for it! You will feel fantastic finishing your first 5K!
Wow! Very impressive! You are another reminder that it comes down to hard work and discipline. Thank you for sharing.