Fancydud Member


  • Oh, and I forgot, Fifty Shades of Grey--HAHA
  • The Sisterhood -- Helen Bryan We Need to Talk about Kevin -- Lionel Shriver On Hallowed Ground, The story of Arlington National Cemetery --Robert M. Poole Elizabeth Street -- Elizabeth Fabiano
  • I'm like that too for the most part. I'll go all day and then realize about 2 or 3 that I haven't eating. Then I eat the wrong things. What's working for me now is to really be on a schedule. I have a food plan and make sure that I eat at specific times and also journal everything I eat.
  • OMG this is perfect! I just joined today and am thrilled to find a group that loves crafting. I met with a personal trainer today and I think she knew she had her work cut out for her when she saw my hobbies are crocheting and reading. I'm much closer to the craft goal for the year of at least one project a month than I am…
  • I have it on my kindle and have read part of it. Would you like to discuss? I just started working out today, so its perfect timing for me.