I both laughed and nearly cried from your post. It's amazing what we will do to be slim. Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you all the best on your journey.
My doctor just said something to me this week about not eating carbs after 7pm. I have alot of respect for his knowledge and trust that it is not a myth. That being said, definitely eat, but focus on protein (cottage cheese). My docotor even said fats are better to eat at night and suggested some tree nuts.
DAMN! You look fantastic! Don't dwell on the fact that you didn't figure it out sooner. Celebrate the fact that you figured it out at all! So many people never do.
I wish I could say for sure, but I really think genetics plays a role.
I couldn't see your food diary, but am wondering what types of grain-based carbs you at consuming. I believe whole grains will help maintain normal bowel movements of about one per day. Processed could contribute to constipation.
Don't give up! Missing 3 days is not the end of the world and is not the end of your fitness journey. Make sure your expectations of yourself are realistic for your life as it is currently. You don't mention if you work outside of the home, but it does look like you have a small child. That can make it difficult to make…
I echo what everyone else is saying. You are definitely slimmer now. Congratulations! I find that telling myself, "I am better today than yesterday, and will be even better tomorrow than I am today!" helps me stay motivated. Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
Please post back again on how that worked for you. Sounds like I may have something similar. Thanks.
I have read that our body uses carbs differently when sleeping (more apt to store as fat). That does kind of make sense since carbs are needed more when we need to be active, rather than just sleeping. I personally consume most of my carbs before noon. By then, I have exercised before work, worked half a day at the office,…
I do! It's just gonna take some time for it to manifest, but I know it's in there. :smile:
I'm sorry to say that portion control, when it comes to sweets, is not the answer for everyone. For me, sweets, the sugar in them, are addictive. My doctor explained that there is a pysiological reason for it. There is something in our bodies that thrives with increased sugar intake. They excrete a chemical that is a call…
Definitely. I would highly, highly encourage you to go to a specialty running store to have your gait analyzed on the treadmill and a personalized shoe and arch support fitting. You may not need the arch support. They will tell you. I had no idea when I first started running the complexity of the whole running shoe thing.…
I love it too and run 5 days a week. It is not exercise for me as much as it is therapy for me now. It helps me with the stress of my job, a teenage daughter and a two-yr old daughter. :smile:
I am so sorry about what you have gone through with the chemo. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been, especially being your child. I wish you all the best. You can find lots of used exercise videos cheap at places like Goodwill, used book/video stores, etc. Or, borrow from friends. Everyone has at least one…
Take time to visualize yourself at your goal weight...really see yourself there in that chair with arms and on that roller coaster, feeling the joy of it. It only takes a few minutes a day, but by doing this your subconcious will help you by leading you to make the choices you need to get there. It helps me to tell myself…
I only started running for the first time in my life this past October. I agree about the gait analysis and the shoes. But I think you should also see your doctor about it. My knees started hurting terribly too. The doctor said I have "jumper's knee" and now I wear knees straps everytime I run. To put that in perspective,…