Fads/Modalities I have wasted/spent Money on

I wanted to ask what types of things have you gotten sucked into, due to maybe a friend's testimony or advertising. Here are some of mine, this is not a complete list, believe it or not :noway: :

Body by Vi - Visalus: Gave me severe headaches and I actually gained because I was in bed in a dark room so much. Contains tons of MSG and Splenda, which affect me terribly. $400

Xanolean: Speed in a bottle. I took weight off, but finally got off of this rollercoaster, I knew I had to do it on my own. $300 (I returned unused product for a refund)

Weight watchers: I know, they rock, but my leader made me cry. I haven't been able to go back in 15 years.

Richard Simmons! : The Food Mover. Love that guy, but I could not eat on the plan. $45.00

Slim Skins!: These were silver plastic pants that hooked onto a vacuum cleaner to suck the fat out of the thighs. LOL, I was sixteen. $20

The Gazelle machine: Lots of glide, no burn. $199

Meridia (RX medication): I lost over 100 lbs on this from my doctor. Lost my gallbladder, developed an eight inch ovarian cyst due to a crashing endocrine system, had a uterine hemorrhage from a false pregnancy and nearly died in front of my children. Gained it back plus 40 lbs. Cost: Incalculable.

Zenical (RX brand Alli): Anal leakage :embarassed: , need I say more? Cost: $200

LOL, eating right and exercise is free, now that I am retraining my palate and brain it's clicking for me.



  • 44nFab
    44nFab Posts: 19
    I both laughed and nearly cried from your post. It's amazing what we will do to be slim. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I wish you all the best on your journey.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member

    Mine aren't nearly so pricey. I got one of those thigh exercise things years ago, those pointless spring-type things. Not that expensive, but pretty useless!

    I also managed the Special K 'diet' for about 3 days..now I can't even think about Special K without feeling sick.

    I also managed the cabbage soup diet for about 1 day...I'm ok with cabbage now though.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    The Thigh Master? My kids loved playing with that one, until I threw it away. I bought the Ab Lounge. I did one set and threw out my back. I could barely move, but I boxed up that puppy and dragged it back to KMart for a refund!

    I also have a mini-trampoline in the back. I would about get black and blue eyes from flying boobs on that thing.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Another lifetime ago I did the 'smart for life' cookie diet. I got to eat one tasteless square every two hours and a low-carb dinner. I lost weight but looked awful. It was something like 70$ for a 14-day supply. Total rip off