

  • I am feeling the same way. I initially lost 8 lbs within 3 weeks. Now at 2 months, daily cardio/weight lifting at the gym and watching what I eat, no more loss. Also, what's probably more frustrating is that I've not even lost inches! I'll try and open my diary (not sure how to do it at this point) for advise! Thank you !!!
  • I feel the exact same way. I've had to up my fiber to 25g per day and have managed to do that. I am supposed to be eating up to 1400 cal per day (5'5' 147lbs - goal weight: 130-135) I lost the 10 lbs initially which brought me to 147. Now as I'm eating more cal, exercising 5 days week (cardio 40 mins/burn roughly 300 cal)…