jnhillard Member


  • hI there my story could be your story. I have had 8 early miscarriages and I also have one handsome son. When I got pregnant with him I got down to 192 which put me at just overweight and no longer obese. I had lost 24 pounds. I now weigh 207 (have lost 7lbs) and I have decided it's time to lose the baby weight and no…
  • Hi ladies, my diagnosis with PCOS was a long road. In 2008 I got a blood clot due to the NuvaRIng (it was my 3rd month on it, I had been on birth control for a couple of years before that). 2010 (a year after getting married) I got diagnosed with PCOS after my periods started getting crazy long (45 days for one...when…
  • Prayers for you girl! Here's to hoping clomid isn't needed!! =D
  • I don't know a product, but I do know that I have that too. And slightly darkened armpits. But mine is due to my PCOS, one of the lovely side effects :-/ Bummer I know! If you find something, let me know!
  • Hey ladies! I am 24 years old and have been ttc for a year and a half. I have other factors that affect my fertility as well as PCOS. In the time frame we have been ttc we have had 3 early losses and one blighted ovum. 4 miscarriages in a year and a half. I have a regular cycle but crappy ovulation. I have done clomid for…