

  • I just ordered both of those supplements. I've been struggling with PCOS since i was 14. I just started having periods about 60 days apart after losing 60 pounds. Before that i would go years. Im also trying to get pregnant. So im hoping this will help. I no longer can afford the health insurance and regular visits to the…
  • I finally got mine yesterday after ordering it on 2/2. Turns out the one i ordered on 2/2 never really was shipped. They did end up sending another one on 2/14 and im glad i got it yesterday. I started Work out #1 this am. Im not going along with the meal plan but i will be continueing to count calories and eat healthy. I…
  • WOW, thanks so much. That was so helpful. I tried to plug it into UPS a few days ago to see if it was a ups tracking number. But it wasn't of course. Didn't even think to use FEDEX. Why wouldn't customer service know this when you call. Anyway i should be getting mine tomorrow it looks like. This made my night! Thanks so…
  • i ordered mine 2/2 and still haven't gotten it. Also i had the same issue where the tracking number was invalid. I've called them like 3x. When i called monday a lady told me that if i didn't get it tuesday to call in and they would resend it. So that is exactly what i did when i didn't get it tuesday. The lady i spoke…
  • I just got a body bugg. First time i used it i ran 2.25 miles. I also wore my Polar HRM. The body bugg said i burned 330 calories and the HRM read 257. That is a pretty big difference in only 20 mins. I don't think a 2.25 mile run would burn 330calories. So I'm thinking its not as accurate as its said to be. Ill continue…