The body bugg

So i am looking into getting a body bug to see how many calories i actually do burn in a day. Has anyone ever used one, and if you have how do you like it? Is it wise to purchase a used one off ebay? or should i just invest in a new one?


  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I got a used one on eBay for Christmas from my wife, even after telling her that they won't work in Linux (that's all we use in our house on our computers, no Windows, no Mac). She thought it would work because some guy made a script that pulls the data from a specific version of the armband, but the one I got is not the right one. Anyhow, I can't really answer your questions. I just know I wanted one, and if you do get a used one, you can apparently just buy the monthly membership and carry on. I don't know if you need the previous owner's login info or not, but mine came with it. I should re-list it on eBay, haha.

    One thing that makes me wonder about them is that they don't actually track heart rate. It just measures heat, moisture, and motion. But they use them on The Biggest Loser, with success it seems. But I think I want a proper HRM.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I own a Polar HRM and I am borrowing a friends Bodyfit Media. it's the same as a body bugg just different name. I wanted to test it out when it came to exercise. It's pretty darn accurate with my Polar HRM. 200 calories difference with my HRM being the higher of the 2. I do like how it tracks you all day. Found I was burning more from just laying around than according to MFP's estimates.

    the food logging part sucks. I just use MFP and transfer over the calories.
  • AggieHoss
    AggieHoss Posts: 30 Member
    I've got one and like it for the most part. After a week or two I got used to it on my arm and actually forget it is there. It was VERY interesting for the first month or so seeing how many calories I used up in a 24 hour period of time. The online thing is only useful for me to see the bar graph of my caloric burn. This way I could see how many calories I burned during a workout, or while sitting at my desk for 3 hours, or while chopping wood. For the most part, I can predict within 100 calories what my daily burn isgoing to long as I'm not doing anything completely out of the norm.

    I dont wear it every day now. Really only on gym days or days where I may be doing something different. I do wear it once a week or so through the night to see how I am sleeping.

    I'm still not sold 100% that it is as accurate as they say. On an average day the BB says I burn around 3700 calories and that is with "modest" working out. Nothing crazy...nothing lazy.

    I only eat 2000-2200 calories on those days which means I should be losing over 2lbs a week. I have about 60lbs to go before I reevaluate my situation, so the weight is there. However, I am not losing much right now..sometimes not at all. The BB is either off or I am miscalculating my calories....I'm still evaluting both of these options.

    I bought mine brand new. The food log SUCKS so I use MFP and make the calories match with excercise.

    If I had it to do over again, I would probably still buy it. However, I really want to test it against a good HR monitor...just dont have the funds to get one right now.

    Let me know if you have any other questions..
  • madpurrrple
    I just got a body bugg. First time i used it i ran 2.25 miles. I also wore my Polar HRM. The body bugg said i burned 330 calories and the HRM read 257. That is a pretty big difference in only 20 mins. I don't think a 2.25 mile run would burn 330calories. So I'm thinking its not as accurate as its said to be. Ill continue to wear both to compare the differences.