Snapper46 Member


  • Water...drink it, half of your body weight....or at least 64 oz everyday. 200 lbs = 100 oz. log everthing you eat, in fact measure it, A serving is always smaller that what you think. very time consuming but worth it. Change your exercise routine, don't get in a rut. Clean your pantry and hiding places of treats, snack…
  • Monday I completed the following: Goal 1 - Log all food DONE Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water DONE Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day DONE Goal 4 blew it. Goal 5 - do something for yourself Had a nice cigar. Today I completed the following: Tuesday Goal 1 - Log all food DONE Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of…
  • Change your routine, increase your water intake. If you jog on a treadmill, try an ellipitcal and throw some weight lifting. My two cent is if 1300 calories is working for you stay with it, just spread it out over the day 5-6 small meals.
  • Bring it, when does it start?:smile: