trublue1 Member


  • I've been bad. I have neglected Jillian all week. I am back on it tomorow after I rest a little. I'm working an 11-7 shift at my part time job. What shall it be 30DS or BFBM?
  • I tried Blast Fat Boost Metabolism last night. I liked the workout but I couldn't do th ewhole thing because I got hard of those plank moves. I went out o ftown Friday and th eeating and exercise had been a bust. I have two more trips planned soon so I'm trying to stay focused.
  • I have taken to doing my workouts in the evenings it seems. I was up this morning but didn't move. I'm still getting over this summer cold. Anywho, I am doing my walk/run with my cousin this evening and 30 day shred. I can't wait until I get my Blast Fat Boost metabolism comes in the mail.
  • I didn't do 30DS yesterday as I was not feeling too good and could not stop coughing. I plan on getting it in today and also another workout. The weekend was a bust as far as my eating goes but i'm not sweating it. Today starts a new day and a new work week.
  • I woke up late. I did not get a chance to do my 30DS. I'm going to get it in later and may do elliptical on lunch. Have a great day!
  • Actually, swimming is the best overall body workout. It takes a lot and it works more than you realize. I wish I was a good swimmer. I'm thinking of taking lessons in the spring. I am on Day 4 of 30DS. I ws tired and did not want to do it. However, I pushed through. I plan on doing my walk/run this evening. I have a date…
  • Hi my name is Rhea (pronounced like Ray) and I started 30 day Shred this morning. My boyfriend and I decided to get healthy together. I have lost and gained weight so many times. This time I want it to be the last I lose and keep it off. I am 38 years old and I wen to the doctor today and my blood pressure was elevated.…
  • My starting weight is 192.2
  • I am in. I need the motivation. I have all the tools but motivation remains an issue. 25lbs by Christmas would be awesome!