leenors Member


  • I LOVE avocados!! The 2 ways I eat them are: 1. Mash up avocado with some EVOO, pinch of salt, squeeze of lime and some red pepper flakes and put that on sprouted grain toast. 2. Mash up an avocado with some raw cacao and honey, put in the fridge for half an hour and ta-da - delicious, creamy, dreamy chocolate avocado…
    in Avocado? Comment by leenors July 2013
  • You are all so motivational! Weight lost since May 31st: 3 lbs I have upped my cardio and have been doing some circuit training.. also, started Rushfit! Just finished "fight conditioning" two evenings ago, and am resting today. Will start the week over again on Thursday (Wednesday is spinning class!). Also... I GOT THE…
  • I'm in!!! I signed up for a bootcamp studio nearby - and it's hardcore! The instructor is a marine corps drill instructor. They had an introductory special so I signed up for the month ($30 for 30 days). I went last night and.... hardest workout of my LIFE. Everything hurts. The warmup alone was more than I have ever…
  • Getting married first weekend of September, and then getting on a plane on the Monday to spend a week in Rome, Italy and a week in Florence, Italy. I will be consuming my fair share gelato, pizza and wine :)
  • Me too! How is your progress? When does your dress come in? My dress doesn't come in until the end of June, so I have at least a few months to get into good shape for the first fitting. Haha.
  • Great idea! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 300 (Ashtanga yoga, 75 min) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned (how they were…