

  • I do feel the same but I think its the days I am not at work and I have to look after the kids alone from getting up to going to bed and we can't go out cause its raining, or icey! Or we go for a walk but end up back at home grumpier than ever cause we are all freezing and wet! Bleah!
  • Hi you sound a lot like me! My son is 4 and I have been trying to get him diagnosed for three years! I have one sibling with autism and another with aspergers and so I have known something was not right with my boy from about 1! He does 250 piece jigsaws on his own and truned 4 last week! I am married but rarely see my…
  • Hi I have the same problem, especially if I like everything on the plate even if I am full I can't leave it! I can't really tell you why I do it, I am an emotional eater and it sounds greedy but I don't think I am overly greedy! The only advice I have been given and can offer is to put your fork down and really chew each…
  • 5'3 if I stand up straight and tall, my other half is over 6' haha Feel free to add me x
  • Name/ real name: mrsjads/ jadene Goal weight on February 29th: 190 2/01: 2/06: 195 2/13: 191 2/20: 2/27: 2/29
  • Name/ real name: Mrs Jads/ Jadene Goal weight on February 29th: 190 2/01: 2/06: 195 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29:
  • I sympathise I have the same problem with looking smaller than I weigh! If I ever tell anyone they always say you don't weigh that much, or you don't have much to lose...I think I know! I work with a woman who looks huge, sheis well over a size 24 uk and she weighs 2lb more than me at a size 16! Depressing! I have had 2…
  • I work for a BAKERY! I work for a well known Uk company selling Cakes, Fresh Bread, Pasties, Sandwiches ...every single thing yummy and every single thing very very very bad for you!
  • False never have smoked anything and never will including cigarettes! The person below has a strange obsession with spongebob squarepants! :o)
  • I have had several ear, double nose, and both nipples!!! I now only have one nose which I have a ladybird stud in and am well known for it! Haha its great in the summer when we are beseiged by the things, I have a 4 yr old and all his friends tell me I have a ladybird on my nose and try to flick it off haha x I had both…
  • You look fantastic! Well done! You are extremely brave for posting it but you should not need bravery to be out and about this summer in a bikini or swimsuit, you should be proud x
  • I have a girly night in to look forward to on march 9th! I am hoping that I can stick within my calories until then and I can have some pizza and chips etc that night! Not setting a goal for it as I am happy to lose anything x
  • I would be in the same boat, If I went I would definitely eat and if I didn't go I would regret not spending the time with my my advice not that I am a person with any will power is to go and eat a little bit of what you fancy, slowly and enjoy every mouthful and stop when you start feeling full, also dink some…
  • Not far off to be honest which is not great as he is a foot taller than me! But looking to the future when I will weigh a sliver of him haha x
  • Bum Bum Bum! Actually not my first, second or third choice but if my only options are boob or bum its bum every time (my belly already sticks out further than my boobs haha)
  • I managed to get a shower before the kids woke up! I was under calories yesterday! Got paid today and when I balanced the credit card I still have enough to buy some food this week...Yay! Not bad its only 7am only been up an hour haha x Of course I am also happy that I discovered my fitness pal yesterday x