Piercings...do you have them?



  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Have a 'monroe', 2 piercings in left ear, one in right ear...and one tat--smirky happy face within a sun on my left upper arm--it's small, the size of our toonie! (Canada's $2 coin) The 'monroe' hurt the least getting done out of all of 'em!
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    5 ear
    1 tongue

    use to have:
    belly button

    i want:
    angel bites
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    Navel and tongue. To be honest, the navel piercing is the worst! It takes forever to heal!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm horrifically afraid of needles and have a very small pain threshold, so no I don't and will never.

    However, I do wear clip-on earrings, because I've always wanted one, but could NEVER, EVER, EVER muster up the courage to let somebody poke a hole in my ear.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    I used to have my nipple pierced. It did nor hurt at all....however I have nipples of steel.
  • I have had multiple ear and cartilage piercings, belly button, and I've had my nipples pierced 2 times. It really doesn't hurt all that bad. It's a couple seconds of pain. They are definitely sore for a while afterward. I had to take them out a few months after the first time, so I got them re-pierced after they healed. (In my opinion, if I was willing to get them pierced again, it didn't hurt that bad.) I took mine out when I was pregnant with my first son a couple years ago. They STILL haven't completely closed now.

    So I'd say go for it... it's really not that bad. Just eat a snack or something before you get it done... the first time I had them pierced I did it on an empty stomach and I got really pale and dizzy. The second time, I had a snack before, and I was just fine. :)
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    It looks like everyone here has a different pain where they get pierced. I have my ear lobes, navel and nose (done 3 times, due to closing.) But, none of them hurt. Navel was irritated, due to wearing pants that would rub against it. I've had it for 6 yrs now. I love it.
  • Kara_B
    Kara_B Posts: 26
    I have: bottom left lip and 0-00 (depending on jewelry) gauged ears. I have had: eyebrow x3 (same spot, nice scar), right bottom lip, septum, belly button, tongue webbing and numerous ones on my ears. They all had their own pain levels. Granted my friend did a majority of them and it wasn't the most professional thing around. But everyone tolerates pain differently. Just breathe and you'll be fine.

    After 8 years of having my lip done, I remember my piercer saying that 60% of the pain is in your head. Just don't think about it and it'll be over before you know it. Best of luck!
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    A rook is technically an ear piercing but it's a cartilage piercing. Hurt like a you-know-what.

    No Kidding. I had this done years ago and my whole ear blew up. I couldn't get the stud out because of the swelling and ended up in the ER. The expression on the faces of the ER staff said "silly old fool".
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i had my nose peircrd when i was 17, and my ears peirced when i was 9. and ive had 4 tattoos done at the age of 19, and in my opinion im more of a tattoo person.. id much rather get tattooed for 3 hours than have a piercing that ony takes a second! its te whole thought of shooting a gun thro my skin that makes me scared!! although ive got to admit - i had a tattoo on my foot last friday, and no word of a lie it was the worst pain i have ever experienced!!! but it was worth it :)

    if you want your nipple pierced - go for it! the pain probably wont be half as bad as what you think! i was really scared to get my nose pierced, but it wasnt half as bad as what i expected.. just made my eye water haha!!

    be brave and get it done :D
  • I have venom piercings. I was really nervous when I was getting pierced but it hurt A LOT LESS than I thought it would by a long shot. The healing time was more painful than getting pierced but it was totally worth it.

    I'd go for it if I were you.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    12 in my ears (6 each side)
    Left Eyebrow
    Belly Button

    (I like tats, too - I have 3 on my back. A pixie on my left shoulder blade, 3 roses on my right shoulder blade, and a larger rose in the center of my back)
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Standard ear piercing (one per ear)
    Nipples (removed them during pregnancy)

    I will repierce my nipples (they've partially closed) but NOT SOBER. I'm very proud that I didn't cry the first time, but it hurt like a mofo. Piercer said, "This is going to be a little intense." I'm thinking, "Define 'intense,' because I would have said, 'YEEEOWTCH!'"
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    yes, both my nipples are peirced. I had my labret pierced once but took it out for work.
  • eyebrow, bellybutton, and nipple, had my nipple done 3 times now hopeful this one stay in
  • katisabanana
    katisabanana Posts: 185 Member
    ears, dimples, nose, lip, bellybutton.
    i took out my belly button and lip.
    got my nose done when i was drunk, bled for like half an hour. i recommend going into it sober.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    eyebrow, bellybutton, and nipple, had my nipple done 3 times now hopeful this one stay in

    wow, you had your nipples done 3 times. that's a true champion. I couldn't go through that kind of pain again.
  • i have my ears, eyebrow, left nipple, belly button and errm my *privates* lol
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member
    hiya i have

    ears done twice

    nose ring and

    lower lip

    did have eyebrow done but caught it on my jumper as i was taking it off and it got infected and i had to take it out

    hurts for a mere second then all done,

    as for my nipples or tongue, no never , no way lol
  • I have had several ear, double nose, and both nipples!!!
    I now only have one nose which I have a ladybird stud in and am well known for it! Haha its great in the summer when we are beseiged by the things, I have a 4 yr old and all his friends tell me I have a ladybird on my nose and try to flick it off haha x
    I had both nipples done, seperate times and I LOVED them! I really did but when I was pregnant with my first child I took them out on medical advice for my nipples to grow and so I could breastfeed! I wish I had looked into wether I could have those plastic things that keep the hole open cause I am too scared to have it done again, I can't remember pain or anything but I think you build it up in your head!
    I say go for it and if you don't fancy a nipple just go for something a little less invasive! x Good luck x