

  • Hi all, just logged in after a few months ago cos I been slowly but surely putting on some of the weight back :(
  • I completely agree. I used to be one of those people who kept whining that I just couldn't lose weight despite the fact that I wasn't eating huge portions of food and wasn't snacking on junk food. But I was lying to myself. I might not have gorged myself silly, but my food choices were almost always high calorie foods…
  • When i went to the doctor for flu last December and he ended up taking my blood pressure and telling me that it was borderline high, and that I have to go on regular meds pretty soon if I don't lose weight . That scared the hell out of me and I decided to do something about it.
  • Unfortunately not many healthy options there for breakfast. Since I started on my diet , it's been pretty much 2 pieces of toasted wholemeal bread every morning (no spread). It takes a while but you get used to it sooner or later. And I have a 2 fruit with it. Paper Thosai is apparently not bad (around 80 calories) but…