

  • I'm 5'8 and I have been bouncing around between 148-155 for the last 4 months and I am still not comfortable... My problem is my upper body keeps getting smaller and smaller but nothing seems to change in my waist, hips, butt and legs...It's so frustrating... :( I think I would like to be 140-145, and toned.. even if I…
  • Not offended, in fact ...I could care less who wrote this post... it has helped me! I am def. one of those women have been not eating enough...around 900 calories and working out twice a day for the last 8 months... I have lost 50 pounds... however I have stalled for the last few months and I'm not seeing any changes...…
  • ugh I have the same problem...I have lost 50 pounds since having my son and my tummy has shrunk and I can feel my abs but its still surrounded by a layer of fat and excess skin :( I heard it takes at least a year to get better and 2 years for it to be normal again... good luck and keep up the good work!
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