

  • i got on the scale down 1 pound today, finally. no beer or junk for me yesterday, treated it as every other day. I am proud of myself today :)
  • for breakfast I love taking diced peppers and onions (i dice them up a bunch at a time and put them in a baggie so they are ready to use) and sweat them, then add some egg whites, cook, put them between two pieces of low fat whole grain toast, some salsa, and bang, a filling breakfast in less than 5 minutes that is good…
  • I am in arizona.. couldnt imagine living in vegas, although seattle, well, i could probably live there~! anyway, good luck on your journey, you CAN do it!
  • I would be careful with the deli meats, they contain alot of hidden sodium... try to eat things as close to nature as possible, fresh/frozen fruits and veggies, lean meats, etc. check out some of your friends' food logs for ideas of things to try, especially those who are doing well :) For me, i have found it easiest to…
  • By the sounds of it you arent doing anything wrong. Maybe not eating the "right" foods, sometimes you can stay within your goal but if you choose the wrong calories it makes it harder. Lean meats, lots of veggies, as little processed food as possible. also, any time you change anything it takes your body time to adjust..…
  • congrats.. its always motivating to see the scale move downward!
  • For me, i havent been thin in so long I dont really know where my body needs to be. I picked the high end of the BMI scale as an "area" I want to be, but as I approach that I can re-evaluate to see how i feel, how I look, and if i need to go down more. It is all about a journey, not a destination. Just eat healthy, and…
    in Goals Comment by tayner February 2010
  • It is hard to know without seeing your diary, but I have no problems staying in my calories generally. Try starting your day with protein, egg whites, peanut butter, something that will help you feel full longer. If you are anything like me it will work... i cant eat cold cereal in the morning because an hour later im…
  • you can, but IMO it does matter WHEN you eat it too. Your body has a much, much easier time converting simple sugar and simple carbs (candy, cookies, chocolate, etc) into energy than it does complex foods (protein, whole grains, etc) so, if you eat it, your body converts it and then doesnt need it right then what will it…
  • i sit in the sauna, usually before i exercise, to warm up my body and to stretch... and my muscles thank me. I dont count it as exercise or burned calories.. that seems silly to me to think sitting hot temperatures will make you burn faster.. if that is the case how did I get so fat living in Arizona?! :tongue: anyway, i…
  • sweet! it feels good, doesnt it :)
  • this is one of my favorites, but usually I do it and switch up the lime vinegrette for a Eating Right - Roasted Sweet Pepper & Garlic Vinaigrette Dressing to reduce the overall calories and fat but lose none of the taste 1 red bell pepper, diced 1 green bell pepper, diced 1 yellow bell pepper, diced 1 (15.25 ounce) can…
  • I have never taken them, or any diet pills or products. I have found that if I make the right choices in food that even at 1200 calories I am dont get hungrier than I have food to eat.
  • I saw an interview with Bob not long ago and he made a comment that they have about a 50% success rate... which IMO isnt that great. When your job is to lose weight, and they are telling you what to eat, when to eat, and you spend from sun up until sun down exercising, you should lose 5-10 pounds a week. Then, there is the…
  • jerky is a great protein snack, popcorn is good. be careful with all of the salt whilst sitting for so long and drinkin water... your best bet is to eat regular healthy meals and then chew gum, no need to snack the whole trip.. put on some music, sing loud, and dont think about food.
  • What made the difference for me? First, my attitude. I stopped saying I cant.. it is amazing how much you can make your body do if you just believe it is possible. To do something you have to try, to try something you have to believe. I REFUSE to let ANYTHING be an excuse. Any reason for not taking care of myself, no…
  • good luck to you. this site has alot of very helpful information, and alot of nice, helpful, motivational people. good luck to you!
  • good luck on your journey.. it will get easier and easier as you get used to the changes.
    in Hi! :) Comment by tayner February 2010
  • I agree with those who say eat more, just make sure it is more quality food. Your body needs food to function, and I dont know your stats, but I would think that if you are exercising as much as you say, and only eating 1200 calories, you are not getting enough food. Remember, MFP is already accounting for the deficit in…
  • use all this website has to offer, be true and honest with yourself, and patient, and it can be done. good luck to you!
  • it is because it is not healthy to eat less than 1200 calories a day... because you wont get enough of the nutrition your body needs... that is why when you get closer to your goal it goes slower, because you need to eat 1200 calories.
  • i think you should try everything else first. Your body is a machine and if you treat it right it will act right naturally. I spent a couple decades not treating it right but just in the last 10.5 months ive been treating it right and it is responding. Ultimately it is your choice, but I would try every single other thing…
  • Variety in one meal a day is enough for me. They say that if you eat the same things all the time you eat less, probably because you dont crave what you are eating so you eat just enough to get full. For me, I need a little variety, and so does my family. So, for the most part I eat the same breakfast, and one of a few…
  • I usually log my dinner first thing in the morning while having my coffee since it is usually my biggest meal. Then i fill in the rest with things I plan to eat. Then, if things change slightly it only takes a minute to change it. as for things not being in here, i hardly ever find i need to add stuff, sometimes searching…
  • you answered your own question... obviously if you are here and only off and on the atkins, it isnt something you can maintain for your whole life... nothing wrong with carbs, just make them complex ones.. stay away from simple sugar and white pasta/bread, and eat the rest in moderation and you should be good to go.
  • I have it, and i love it. It is my suggestion if you do it, go all the way and get the wrist thingy too, so you can see real time what you are burning, etc...
    in Body Bugg Comment by tayner January 2010
  • MFP has already accounted for the deficit you need to obtain your goal, so eat what they tell you to eat. if you eat less then you are likely getting into an unhealthy deficit, which, over time, will cause your metabolism to slow down, making it harder and harder to lose weight. I had a hard time wrapping my head around…
  • I eat at my favorite restaurants. I dont do it all the time like I used to, but I do it. I do two things though.. if I know I am going out, i make sure to bump up my exercise that day, usually in the morning, getting in a few hundred extra burned calories so i have some leeway to work with. Second, I go in with a plan.…
  • I can talk from my own experience over the last 10 months. I keep the same intensity to my workouts no matter what the scale says. Some weeks I get on and lose 1 pound, some weeks nothing, and then some weeks 3 or 4. Your body is a machine, but it is a thinking machine. It will try to cope with what you are doing to it LOL…
  • Good luck to you Sam. This place is a great place with alot of great people. You shouldn't have a hard time finding people here to help motivate you and keep you on track. Use all this site has to offer, and above all be honest with yourself, and it will work!