

  • good luck in that class.. and congrats on recognizing the need to act before it got out of control. !
    in hello Comment by tayner April 2010
  • i always knew i was overweight, but i never saw myself in the mirror the same as in photos... i am still the same way though, even after significant weight loss.. maybe when i get to onederland I will be happier with pictures.
  • there are alot of options, you just have to be creative. First off, eat a nice salad every day, for lunch or dinner... that is the perfect place to start.. no cooking required, and you can just buy the bagged mix if you'd like... second, use the internet... find microwave recipies... they are out there and usually quite…
  • muscle does not weigh more than fat, a pound is a pound... but a pound of muscle takes up much less room than a pound of fat.. so if you are putting on muscle you still could be losing fat but not weight overall because of this. Have you tried measuring yourself? the scale is not the only way to have success. Plus, if you…
  • if you just started, dont panic. there could be a plethora of reasons this happens. First, you are changing what your body is used to. It might just decide to panic a little bit and start holding on to water, etc, not knowing what is going on. If the foods you chose to ate to get to 1200 calories was still alot of…
  • i have lost weight in my feet for sure, at least a size. you store fat everywhere, so you will lose it everywhere :)
  • my suggestion to you, that seems to work for me, is to eat more protein in the morning. Protein will keep you full and satisfied much longer than other "normal" breakfast foods. I find that if i cook up 3 egg whites with some onions and bell peppers, put it between a couple slices of whole wheat toast with some hot salsa…
  • Doctors arent all good, and if my doctor told me I lost 18 pounds of water weight I would consider him a quack and find another doctor, unless you have some sort of heart condition that causes severe, severe edema and water retention, which doesnt seem the case or you would certainly be aware of such a condition. Just…
    in Dam dr! Comment by tayner March 2010
  • weight loss is a rollercoaster ride. I know it is hard, but try not to focus so much on the scale. Sometimes i got 10 or 15 days and dont lose anything, then i will hit a week where i lose 3 or 4 pounds.. Just keep in mind, if you eat healthy, exercise, and make good choices, it WILL come off.. It might take your body a…
    in discouraged Comment by tayner March 2010
  • You want to know what most people at the gym thing when they see a large person there... they are thinking.... well, she is here, she is trying, thats great. seriously. You are making an effort, and if you stick with it it WILL work! I started probably close to where you were... i started at 326 pounds. Dont worry about…
  • 2 pounds a week is not too fast.. sounds like someone is jealous. Keep doing what you are doing.. but know that the closer you get to your goal the slower it will come off!
  • You are very lucky you are realizing this at such a young age. It will make your life so much better! The older you get the harder it is. Not saying it is easy, its not, but easier than waiting until you are nearly 40 like i did! Welcome, and good luck to you!
  • i will take those downsides any day!
  • welcome! It sounds like you are well on your way to a healthier you. You have found a great place for support both technically and emotionally.. good luck!
  • for me I usually just say.. thank you, but I still have 35 pounds to go, or whatever it happens to be... People are trying to be nice. They are not gonna say... .wow, you look great, you should stop losing now.... LOL just thank them and then tell yourself immediately.. yea, i do look good, but not good enough.... and keep…
  • Congratulations! Own that 200 number, you earned it! I know how hard it is! I like the idea of you setting smaller goals, and then setting new ones. I sort of do that.. i have a major goal, but then i set smaller ones in between, to keep me motivating and moving. I wish you all the luck on your continued journey... keep…
  • I can only speak from my experience, but i have a HRM and a bodybugg, and i have found that the HRM was reading nearly double what my bodybugg was reading at the same time. Since i changed to the bodybugg I seem to be losing more steady, although still have plateaus. My HRM, at least, in my opinion, was over estimating my…
  • im right there with you, ran thurs and saturday on the treadmill, and my knees are sore too. I have had knee issues in the past though, so that could be part of it.. but, running is much more high-impact than any of those other things you mentioned, and it is sure to make joints sore, especially when it is new.. also, uses…
  • it has been my experience that when i feel like i could eat the butt end of a horse those are the times my body is losing, and about 4-7 days after i have spells like that I notice the greatest scale movement, provided you keep to your calories. find lower fat foods that fill you up longer, egg whites, salads, veggies, etc…
  • I have done this EXACT thing.. multiple times! It is not pretty at all. My suggestion to you is to work on rehabbing the knee, that is the most important thing. I would suggest using some light weights for your upper body at home, and not doing anything with the leg until it heals. good luck to you, and I feel for you as I…
  • First of all, dont weigh every day.. no more than once a week I totally get the frustration with the numbers... but your weight will fluctuate due to many factors, water, sodium, time of day, etc etc. Pick a day of the week, one day, weigh first thing in the morning after using the restroom.. then, work hard all week, then…
  • maybe you can try to change up the burgers and have one? try using 1/2 96% lean ground beef and 1/2 ground turkey or chicken, grill it outside, use lots of veggies as toppings, and eat the burger like everyone else... so you dont feel left out.. making swaps to make food more healthy but still tasty so that you can enjoy…
  • It is normal. when you start eating better and exercising more your body will let go of all the excess fluid you are retaining, and that fluid weighs alot, 8 pounds a gallon or so... As your body gets used to the new lifestyle things will slow down and stabilize to a more reasonable amount. Keep up the good work!
  • good luck to you. use every tool this website offers, and most importantly, be honest with yourself. It can be done, and you can do it. good luck Dana
    in Hello! Comment by tayner February 2010
  • i dont think your body really cares what time of day it is, and it cannot really tell if you are sleeping or vegging on the couch after dinner, its all the same. The whole idea is to not eat a ton of calories you wont burn off before your body stores them. My suggestion to you would be if you have to have dinner late, try…
  • congrats, those are GREAT numbers!
  • wow, if only i was that organized! I am lucky to decide the night before what kind of protein to take out of the freezer! plus, something might sound really good the day i am planning it and then come that day it isnt what I want LOL glad it works for you though!
  • welcome to this site. how you feel about yourself one year from now will directly correlate with the decisions you make today, and it seems you have made a wonderful start. Good luck to you! You can do it! Dana
    in Newbie Comment by tayner February 2010