need advice/encouragement. again.

i've been going over on my calories by about 250 or so for around a week now. i'm just hungry and want to eat!!! i try to log as precisely as i can on weekends and what not, but a lot of you probably know that there's difficulty in that. i also feel like watching my portions is getting harder all of a sudden. i don't want to be slipping!! i want to loose another 3 pounds!! I was doing so well for a while, and my problem is not that i'm craving junk food all the time, i just want MORE food.

please give me any advice you have on how i can get back on top of my game so i can start loosing weight again.

feel free to look at my food diary, but be nice. i'm not perfect.


  • HulaCherry
    Hi! Don't be discouraged. We all have moments where things get tough! I know it's so hard to stay on track sometimes, but you need to find things that are low calorie and filling.

    I keep tons of fresh veggies cut up in my fridge all the time. Cucumbers, celery, carrots, cauliflower, etc... When I get really hungry, I put a whole plate together (which usually comes out to be maaaaaaybe 50-60 calories). I then have a Hidden Valley Dip mix mixed in with a 16 oz tub of fat free sour cream. 2 tablespoons is 35 calories. It's a great way to get a lot of food with probably 100 calories.

    I also keep the 100 calorie snack packs on hand when I am having a craving. And there are Sugar Free Pudding Pops that have 40 calories each. Ha. I could really go on for awhile on low calories snacks that are definitely satisfying!

    You are doing great!

  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    it has been my experience that when i feel like i could eat the butt end of a horse those are the times my body is losing, and about 4-7 days after i have spells like that I notice the greatest scale movement, provided you keep to your calories. find lower fat foods that fill you up longer, egg whites, salads, veggies, etc and try to hold on...
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    The best advice I can give you is to try finding more filling foods. I make a chili that is really good, has 151 calories and about 5 grams of fiber per 1 cup serving. It is very filling and very tasty. Let me know if you would like the recipe. Also, I like to use the Special K2O protein water things. They taste really good and have 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein per packet (you mix it into about 20 oz of water). They help to fill me up as well when I'm having one of those days. :o) Good luck. Stick with it and you will achieve your goals!:flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I would relook at what you are eating. Are you getting a enough protein? Are you wasting calories on fillers? If you still feeling hungry have extra fruits and veggies. Also try drinking water or popping a piece of gum in your mouth when you feel like you want something else when you really aren't hungry just maybe bored. But if you are really hungry feed yourself just weigh your options to find the thing that will fill you up.

    You can do this! Good luck!
  • boniekatie
    Try going for a walk when you feel hungry. I find if I get enough exercise it helps to reduce my appitite. Also, make sure you are getting enough protien and enough fiber. Having low cal snacks is good, but you also need to ask yourself what it is that your body is craving. If you learn to listen your body will tell you what you need.

    Don't give up. You can get through this.