
I wanted to introduce myself. I just started on MFP this week. I'm a 27 year old mother of 2, happily married for almost 9 years.

I've been overweight since HS. When I graduated in 2000 I weighed 240lbs. When I got pregnant with my son, almost a year later, I weighed 245. I tried to lose weight when my son was 2yo, at 250lbs, and lost 15lbs. By the time I was pregnant with my daughter, in 2006, I weighed 260lbs. 2 years ago I hit my highest weight of 286lbs and knew I had to lose the weight NOW! In 2008 I lost 26lbs and then gained 12 back. In Apr of 2009 my workplace did a Biggest Loser challenge and I lost 32lbs! and lost another 6lbs after that. I was 234, 4lbs away from being my lowest weight as an adult. In October, I found out that I was pregant and had a miscarriage 1 week after I found out. I gained those 6lbs back in 2 weeks. By the end of October I had gotten back on track and lost those 6lbs again and then my MIL passed away. Her passing came with alot of emotions for her and for my miscarriage. I hit 250 last week and have the mindset that I WILL get through this weightloss. My workplace is about to start another Biggest Loser challenge that I am going to participate in again. It is a great motivator for me. I also have my 10 year HS reunion this year and I really, really want to be smaller than I was when I graduated by the time it rolls around.

A new gym opened up right next door to work. They have no contracts or initiation fees. The corporate rate is only $25 a month!! I can definately afford that. I will lose this weight once and for all!!

Thank you for all your support in my journey!


  • kwithcmt
    That's wonderful, BM! With that positive attitude, anything is possible in the world of fitness! Don't try running though, at your current weight, that would kill your knees. I would suggest power walking on the tread mill as a warm up, and then lifting weights to build your muscle. Once muscle is stronger, it burns more calories. When you've lost about fifty, it's usually safe to run. But, depending on your body type, you might want to wait longer than that. My mother used to do water aerobics since she was a little to arthritic for on land exercise. Either way, good luck!
  • TwentyTen
    Welcome ! Glad to have you amongst us. You will find alot of support and encouragement here., I have.
    Still new myself, but determined. Lets do this.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Welcome. I love this place. I tried on my own for a couple of months but the weight didn't start really coming off until I joined here. It's so eye-opening to keep track of every calorie you eat and drink. I've also found that I'm eating all the time and feeling plenty full as long as I make good choices with the calories I take in.
    I believe this is a life-style and that anyone can have success if they go in with the right motivation.
    Good luck to you.
  • cathy286
    Just wanted to say hi to someone who sounds so much like me. I have been up and down so many times and seem to lose the same weight over and over again. This website is helping me stay focused and on track and I hope it helps you too. Good luck!
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    good luck to you. use every tool this website offers, and most importantly, be honest with yourself. It can be done, and you can do it.

    good luck