

  • with regards to this diet, a research review was done in the uk on this diet the person done it for two weeks and lost two pounds and that was excluding solids, so the overall message was a low calorie diet proved more successful :wink: :wink:
  • aren't you lucky to want to gain weight, what is your weight at the moment:smile:
  • Maybe try to up your calories alittle to see will that kick start your weight loss, sometimes it works:smile:
    in Help!!! Comment by sarahiris April 2009
  • how much do u want to lose, and how strict are you with you diet, if you go below 1200 your going to slow down your metabolism, remember to drink loads of water, you'll get there good luck, your weight sounds okay to me so i expect you don't have much to lose:wink: :smile:
  • Yesterday i went over 500 calories at a party, do i deduct that from today's intake like weight watchers would do or do u simply eat less for a few days to make up the defecit, your advice on this would be gratefully appreciated, im at 1200 calories a day:mad: :smile:
  • congrats to u thats amazing, did u have some bad weeks r has it been consistent were you very strict, great news:flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Happy Birthday to u hope u have a brillant day, your a great inspiration on here:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile: :smile:
  • Is any of you having a taste of an easter egg tomorrow and what is you favourite kind, hope you all have a nice easter:heart: :heart: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Just curious from reading blogs what is the normal daily sodium intake for someone on1200 calories per day:flowerforyou: :smile:
  • hi to u both it's a great site means u can't cheat eh, it's great when u notice the pounds coming off, glasgow i use to live in dumfries and went to strathclyde uni so good luck and keep in touch on you weight loss journey oh and welcome to the yorkshire lass:flowerforyou: :smile: :smile:
  • wow that's inspiring you all have a brillant weight loss and are so motivated which makes us newcomers even more determined to achieve results:flowerforyou: :smile: :happy:
  • Just wondering what total weight loss did you all see in your first month, and with this loss were you all being very strict:smile: :smile:
  • ah well done a deserved pat on the back:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • don't be diheartened you'll get there, are you measuring your portion sizes correct to the calorie content, maybe 1200 is too much foryou or even maybe you just have a small amount to lose so it's taking longer, - don't give up:smile: :smile:
  • that is a brillant weight loss - well done you you must be so proud and your clothes must be at your ankles, did you lose that from the start of january and were you very strict with yourself, it gives me more encouragement to see how others get on:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Just wondering is there many members from this part, and what is ur success to date, this site is wonderful, don't u agree and the members are so encouraging, I am jealous of their hot climates though:smile:
  • Have a cup of green tea it banishes the cravings:smile:
  • 2lb is great its better of than on, you have done brillant so far i hope to get a good amount of as well with great determination:happy:
  • wow cant believe it ive lost 5lbs which is good for me, i wouldn't have done it without all the encouraging success stories i read from you lot, anybody else with a good weight loss this week:laugh:
  • welcome and enjoy the journey:wink:
  • i would like to be in as well sounds brillant, my weigh in is tomorrow starting weight 164.2lbs my first goal is to reach 145lbs so lets go:laugh:
  • ah thats great gives you so much encouragement and motivation to keep going well done:happy:
    in excited Comment by sarahiris March 2009
  • hi ther you seem to be doing great when did you exactly join and how much have you lost to date:wink:
  • hey im due my first weigh in tomorrow and im with you on the bikini challenge i want to look good as well, i refuse to buy new clothes as i have so many nice smaller ones :wink: My inspiration is - i have a pair of jeans hung up on my wardrobe and my aim is to get back into them as i know that if they fit everything else…
  • hooray for kneecaps, and what an amazing weighloss any tips:smile:
  • ah thank u ill let you know tomorrow:love:
  • hi well im due my first weigh in tomorrow and i havent weighed myself in a week:smile:
  • Hi everyone im due my first weigh in tomorrow abit scared but hoping to see the scale go down:bigsmile: when is the best time to weigh myself is it first thing when i get up or should i weight an hour r so, i would be grateful for all ur comments, all of your weight loss to date is so encouraging, hopefully i will be able…
  • i wouldnt like to think i have to wait a year to lose 10lbs:indifferent:
  • what zise is a 3 in the uk
    in Size 3! Comment by sarahiris March 2009