

  • Absolutely. I actually took a 9 month hiatus from calorie counting after I got married because it was driving me nuts! My whole self-esteem was based on how many calories I ate... which I usually would go over so that wasn't good. I'd get in a negative feed-back loop where I'd eat too much, panic, then restrict for a day…
  • Thanks again All. I ate my stinkin' banana and had some water and now I think I'll make it unitl lunch. That was a big help. I felt kinda stupid asking but now I feel so much better! I've never had this support before and I think it will make such a big difference for me.
  • Haha I love it! I'll just keep thinking that way! Anyone have suggestions for the hunger? 1200 calories is hard the first couple weeks!
  • The scones in the downstairs cafe are calling me! It's my first week really watching my calories (since about a year ago) and I've been so hungry! I only have the last 10 pounds to lose but they have been the hardest. I just had some really good oatmeal for breakfast just over an hour ago and I've got a banana sitting here…
  • There are plenty of knock-offs for Proactive out right now... Acne-Free is one that is available most everywhere and is a lot more affordable. Just check the "active Ingredients" to see if the percentages are all the same. Natural products that are worth anything are going to be more expensive, unfortunately... There just…
    in Your Skin Comment by sembrede March 2009
  • From what I have heard from trainers... your target calorie burning heart rate is lower than the hard-core-sweaty-breathing-hard type of workout. At this lower heart rate your body will burn more fat calories than when you are at a higher, cardiovascular training type heart rate. At least I think that's how it works. There…
    in Confused Comment by sembrede March 2009
  • I also use Neutrogena products. If you go to their website you can fill out a quiz and they'll recommend products for you. I've also found that it's really important to try a complete system for three months before you change it or give up. Always remember to moisturize no matter what kind of skin! And I LOVE their…
    in Your Skin Comment by sembrede March 2009
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