Any flavor of Fage, soooo good. Of course it is the most expensive yogurt on my store's shelf.
You look awesome and I'll bet you feel even better! Your goal is just around the bend now.
Go back to your original calories, if it isn't broken don't fix it :D
I quit 14 years ago using several bags of Dum Dums lollipops and the cold turkey method. After the first two weeks it was smooth sailing, but I have to say I still think of them fondly. Whenever I see a sign that has the price of cigarettes on them I pat myself on the back.
Hi! I just finished the Warrior Dash this past weekend and it was AWESOME!! I trained by running a few times a week so I didn't really have any trouble with that part of it, it was the obstacles that were killer. Work on your upper body strength as much as you can, you will be hoisting your body weight up ropes and over…
Liz Taylor's Passion, I have loved it for 20 years or more.
Awhile back when I told my husband I was going for a run, he said that what I did was jog, not run. I did feel offended by that, lol. It felt like he was downgrading it, as if it didn't take as much effort. I think that's what makes people angry. No, I'm not an olympic sprinter and I'm not going to win any timed…
Make sure you are using good form when you run to get max oxygen. This is a great video that helped me a great deal:
I did not like these when we tried them and the dried leaf texture was definitely not a substitute for crunchy chips for me.
Good luck Dave and good for you taking the steps to get healthier! One day at a time and you'll get there :) Just remember not to beat yourself up if you stumble, just get right back going again the next day. Cheers!
Yoga and walking are great for slimming down without bulking up :) I can't get to a class but I use the Biggest Loser game on my xBox which has a yoga workout and it is awesome and very customizable. It's tough having health conditions fighting against you, good luck and add me if you like.
Great advice, thank you!
Jersey 9...extra credit for Jersey, woot!
Woot! You go girl!!!
Welcome Beris! :)
Wow, I guess you know by now that you definitely DON'T need a gym membership to lose weight! I've lost 13 pounds in two months and I never left my house. I call it the prison workout, lol. I walk or run back and forth across my house and do yoga workouts with The Biggest Loser on my XBOX and that is all. Good luck!
5'6" here :)