nbingham Member


  • I developed two bad knees almost simultaneously early this past year. I went to the doctor who did MRI's and X-Rays and discovered that there was some old damage that is just from wear and tear. I'm not saying you have the same thing, but it can't hurt to visit your doc. He gave me some medication that I was unable to…
    in Knees? Comment by nbingham November 2011
  • First I want to say that I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. No woman deserves to be treated so callously. You are definitely NOT being a baby about this. You have every right to be pissed off and upset. The fact that he doesn't remember them should probably concern you MORE not less. Perhaps you're not…
  • I understand. I have a LONG way to go yet and still my sister (who is THINNER than me!) keeps saying that it's impossible to lose weight without starving yourself. She honestly believes that in order to lose weight you have to starve, take loads of dexatrim (ew), and / or be bulimic. When I point out a beautiful movie star…
  • Yep, I do that too. If you go to the "My Home" tab at the top and then to "Settings" you'll see one called "Automatic News Feed update settings". Go in there and check or uncheck anything you don't want to post. Unfortunately it won't post on your feed at all that way but the only other alternative is what Monica posted.
  • I'd say yes. Can't eat just a bunch of filler junk like mac n' cheese now.
  • I was at a friends wedding reception with my boyfriend and had gone upstairs to the bathroom. On my way back down my heel caught and I went *kitten* over teakettle all the way down the stairs. Fortunately because the stairs were enclosed, no one saw me. I was able to get up, muster my dignity and CAREFULLY walk back to my…
  • I've heard that sometimes our bodies will retain more water for a while after beginning an exercise regimen until the muscles can get used to the activity and stop swelling. /shrug Either way, good work on the excercise and maintaining your diet! Half of success is the diligence to keep going. You can do it! :)
  • One of my friends on here came up with this and it's AMAZING! It's incredibly easy to make too. As I have an intolerance to chili peppers I substitute garlic powder and it still comes out absolutely delicious. Lime Chicken Tacos Ingredients: * 1-1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts * 3 tablespoons lime juice* 1…
  • Unfortunately from what I understand there hasn't been anything quite this bad since 1927. At least that's what I was reading in the news. :-\
    in Flooding Comment by nbingham May 2011
  • How many pounds a week did you tell it you wanted to lose? I've got mine set to 1lb a week and at 5'2" 236lbs It has me eating 1670 calories a day.
  • I was in a 20 year marriage to a guy who looked at me with revulsion and told me I was fat even when I was only 5 - 10 lbs over. The more ugly I'd feel, the more depressed I'd get, the more I'd eat, the fatter I'd get, the more ugly I felt and on and on. He'd even sabotage my weight loss attempts and then ridicule me when…
  • Thanks to my daughter, as of 5 minutes ago I now have "Hey Jude" by the Beatles in my head. lol
  • I guess your body just knows what it needs. I'd run with it and not worry too much about sticking to everything so perfectly. Try to get better first and then worry about getting back on the horse. I hope you feel better soon. :smile:
    in water Comment by nbingham October 2010
  • What winds up happening is your metabolism slows. So yes, you're losing weight, but how happy with your eating regimen are you? Is this something you're willing to stick to for the rest of your life? The problem with going below the suggested 1200 calories per day is that once your metabolism slows it's hard to boost it…
  • Congratulations! That is such a great achievement. Thanks for posting it, you really give me hope. :)
  • Since I don't know if you're in the US or not, I don't know if these are available to you, but I like the Nabisco 100 calorie packs of cookies. I also like the Great Value (Walmart) 100 calorie ice cream sandwich mini's. I'm not a fan of "diet" food, so when I get those cravings I prefer to eat smaller portions of the same…
  • Accountant_boi took the words right out of my mouth... or off my fingers as the case may be. It's exactly the reply I was going to give. :)
  • Ooh, if I could look like anyone I choose??? I'd have to say Sandra Bullock. She is just the cutest thing!
  • I have bad knees too. I bought an elliptical and it's a great no impact workout.
  • I've never seen these before, let alone tried them, but this is what I found when I did a Google search. http://www.lindasdietdelites.com/diet-foods-78/healthy-mixes-53/bread-biscuit-bun-crust-106/dixie-diner-press-n-bake-pie-crust-mix-419.html
  • I've been on here for a bit now and it's great. I too want to be free!!!
  • Thanks guys!! :)
  • I haven't been here very long. (Only a month.) But my small victory was putting on a favorite t-shirt that used to be too tight around my middle and now fits well. :)
  • Although I can't say that you're burning more calories by standing than sitting, here is PROOF that sitting all the time is bad for you: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/10_19/b4177071221162.htm
  • I bought one just recently and I absolutely love it. Although I actually went with a cheap one. >.> Here's a good article that you'll need to know before you buy regardless of how much you spend. http://www.allellipticals.com/stride-length-of-elliptical-trainers.html
  • I hear ya. I hate going to the doctors office and having to tell the nurse to just go ahead and push it over to the 200 mark first. They always act all uncomfortable which makes it worse. HOWEVER, you have LOST THIRTY FOUR POUNDS!!! That is awesome! Seriously, Way To Go! You should be proud of yourself! ^.^
  • That's amazing. I too don't want to be like my mom. Her health problems were exacerbated by her weight. Of all 4 of her kids, I'm the one who is most like her. I look like her, I sound like her, I have the same build, I have asthma like she did and I have her weight problem. I REFUSE keep going down the road she did. She…
  • My pic is actually the best one of me I have. I don't use my MFP pic to motivate me, but I DO have a full body picture of me at a Teamwork Camp training thing my work did as my desktop background. THAT motivates me.
  • I have to agree with this. Someone who is really your friend would not treat you that way. If after a nice heart to heart she doesn't stop being down on you, let her go.
  • That's great!!! I'm so happy for you! I know I hate shopping in the plus size department too. WTG!!!!