Today my sweetie and I are going to be cleaning up after a flood in our basement. We'll be carrying buckets of mud up some stairs to dump them... what would I call this in my exercise journal? I don't want to undereat today. How much would that burn???
The past couple of days I've been sick. Like really sick. Headaches, runny nose, aching muscles, tiredness. The works. I've also been having a really hard time getting all my calories. From what I keep reading, we use more calories when we're sick, so we need to make sure to replenish them. How worried about this do I need…
I've been on MFP for 2 weeks now and things are going great. However, one thing I'm curious about... I carry most of my weight in my midsection and my legs actually don't have much fat. Instead, my calves are HUGE with muscle. Now I understand, they've had to grow that way to carry my tubby butt around but they're still…
I'm a 41 year old mother of 4. My cousin Patti and I are planning on losing weight together. I have significantly more to lose than her, but it's nice having a weight loss buddy nonetheless (even if she does live in another state). I've been overweight for a long time and to be honest, I had a lot of reasons that made me…