artmikhur Member


  • That is fantastic ,you have done so well, how on earth did you manage to lose so much .
  • Wow you have lost so much weight, don't worry about the scales, like everyone else says you have still lost as you are using the same scales. I have the same problem, I weighed myself in the shopping centre the other day and the scales there said I was 10 pounds heavier than the ones at home BUT it also said that I was 2…
  • Don't worry the same thing happened to me and I was really down. Keep on logging everything that you eat it really works and you have already lost 48lbs that is amazing.
  • Hi I am from Wales, I have been on the site for 26 days now and it is brilliant. Welcome aboard
  • Thats great thank you I will think of you as well. I have loads to lose how about you?
  • Hi everyone Started yesterday, bit nervous about going on message board haven't done anything like this before but I really need motivation, I have a lot of weight to lose so any help will be gratefully received. I can lose weight but I always put it straight back on again.Thank you for looking.