

  • I have cardio trainer app. I set if for walking it turns on and off with with motion. Then it tells me how many calories I burned, distance, and time. I plug it in here. The best part is that it links to my gps and show on the map where I walk, jog ect. I use it for just about everything. I avoid summer at the parks in…
  • On the bright side Disney is revamping their menus to include more healthy choices. My husband and I have been pass holder for years we used to take our nieces and now our son. The deal we made with them is we do one full lap around the park. Then after we would hit up every attraction they wanted. The girls would ride in…
  • Distance does not matter. If you can't meet up then no worries just having someone to lend an ear can make a big difference. :happy:
  • So here is a make you smile story. I was on the floor with bug while doing pilates. No big deal,right . Oh no he crawls to my side and proceeds to pull out the girls, while I was doing pelvic thust. Another reason to love being a mom! :laugh:
  • Hi my name is Nicole and I am 28. I have a 10 1/2 month old son. He is very very active and keeps me on the run. I am trying to loose weight after having gestational diabetes. I found out after becoming huge. Now I want to get down to a healthy weight and HDL/LDL levels. Breaking the family cycle of gummie bears one step…