morael25 Member


  • I have been trying this for a month until the past week I was watching calorie intake but this last week I started eating different I bought wildway grain free cereal for breakfast ate whatever for lunch as long as it stayed within my calorie goal. For dinner I bought eating well meals and I would snack on Cliff bar…
  • Set small goals for your self. Weight loss is difficult and I also lack willpower, however, I started with the small stuff. First I gave up pop, started drinking water. The first week was the hardest, after dropping 10 lbs I thought I got this. The second week I started finding healthy alternatives to eating, instead of…
  • To be honest rob zombie lol or fall out boy, skrillex those put me in a good mood
  • I tried it, and did lose weight, but I read alot about the ingedients in it. I did do my research after the fact and basically it is psychological, you become more aware of the types of food you are eating, I quit using it because I questions use of ingedients that are compaired to eating dirt. I have struggled with weight…