

  • Hi All, I have just joined the group, its nice to find some people from the UK! I joined MFP about a month ago and have lost 6lb from the 10lb I intend to lose to get to my target of 9st. I am training for a 5k run in June this year and go to the gym three times week. Please feel free to add me if you want. Gill:smile:
  • Hi, I too only manage to eat around 1000 calories a day, I also burn off about 500 calories three times a week at the gym. I try to add more high calorie foods such as avocado in my salad, porridge with mixed nuts and berries and I sometimes eat muller yoghurts in between meals as a snack. I have managed to lose 3 pounds…
  • I am the same, have been doing it for a week. lost 1.5 lbs of the 10 I want to lose, havent been eating loads and have managed to put back on one pound, I dont get it either !!!
  • hi, I too am new to this, have only recently started. I am ashamed to say that I do only have 10 lb to lose but finding it difficult so some moral support would be great. I too am on anxiety and depression tablets so can associate with that. Feel free to chat any time. Gill
  • hi, I too am new to this, have only recently started. I am ashamed to say that I do only have 10 lb to lose but finding it difficult so some moral support would be great. I too am on anxiety and depression tablets so can associate with that. Feel free to chat any time. Gill