

  • Here's what I can tell you about me, I'm 5 3" and 240 when I started walking and could barely get a mile in. Did that at least 3 times a week and progressed to 5min of running, 5 min of walking on the treadmills. Kept going until I could run at a very slow pa e, but at least I am doing something. I don't run fast and can…
  • So love my pups! Oliver and Bandit - Chihuahuas
  • It is a huge success, enjoy it! It's funny that I ran my first mile (without stopping) yesterday too and I was so excited! At 230 it's not easy and I usually just walk. It's nice to know that progress is being made. Keep up the good work!
  • Glad you decided to join My Fitness Pal. I too have yo-yo'd for years and two years ago hit my all time heaviest. Freinds have been using this site so I decided to join too. I love that I can track both my exercise and meals. It has really helped. I have just started reading the posts and they have been a solid resource.…