I want to start running... HELP!



  • Until a few months ago if you asked me whether I could/would ever take up running I'd have laughed in your face - now I run almost every night, and actually enjoy it!!

    That said, I do short runs - about 2.3k each night - but I find long distance running really unenjoyable. My tips would be, don't push yourself so far that you're not enjoying it - I look forward to my runs because I know what I can manage, at the moment they fit well into my routine, and I'm not finishing each one absolutely crying with tiredness; I feel very tired and like I've had a good workout, though.

    Also, be proud of your achievements, and find someone to boast about them to :) my boyfriend is a serious runner, and even though he can manage one or two hours runs, making me look puny, he's still really encouraging and supportive when I come home and go 'hey, I ran another 8-minute mile, I'm getting the hang of this!!' It's so much more motivating to have someone who you can share successes with.

    Good luck, anyway - do it right and you'll enjoy it :D
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Good advice on clothing...the jiggle will stop bothering you as you go along...Start your runs off super slow, almost like a walk and graduallu pick up your pace. Don't worry about distance yet, run for time...say run for 3 mins,, than 5 than 7, than 10, etc...work your way up in time every few days....when you can go 10 mins slow, start with 10 mins slow, 1 min a bit faster...keep that up untily ou are at comfortable pace...Over weeks, you will find that you are faster, "just because" and can go longer...then start looking into trainging programs...

    Running is a true mental game. Plus some days you will feel so great and others, it will suck...just keep pushing and you will get it.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Well, a good sports bra can help with at least part of the jiggle problem... I'm a 34DD runner and wear the Moving Comfort Fiona bra for almost all my runs.

    As for the rest of it, I have also heard really good things about the Couch to 5K (C25K) program! I've never used it personally, but a lot of people on MFP have/are. I would put on your new bra, stick to a plan, and realize that the jiggle will diminish if you keep up with your exercise & healthy eating! And never worry about what others are thinking; whether in the gym or on the trails, people are generally focused on themselves and their own workout.

    Other than that, I'd strongly recommend going to a running store (an actual running specialty store; not a big sporting goods store) and getting properly fitted for running shoes. It can make a world of difference! And, if you have any issues with chafing, you can try Glide or another anti-chafing stick... it's a really common problem for runners.

    Happy running!!! :flowerforyou:
  • i HATED running (still do tbh) but it's helped a lot in my weight loss so i definitely recommend it. i just personally do it in slow amounts. some days i walk and do a few seconds of running and the next i just do it for a few more seconds and so on. sooner or later, it will get easier and you'll be surprised how long you'll be able to go for and maybe you'll like it more than i do! i wear a pretty good sized sports bra and clothes that fit good but don't fall down because that get's annoying. i promise it gets easier!
  • healthyamberB
    healthyamberB Posts: 47 Member
    I recently started running at the gym and i love it :) I can't go very far without nearly passing out but I love the exhilarated feeling i get out of it when i'm through. My clothing options are plenty of good fitting sports bra ( Have to keep these big girls in check or else they dance all over the place!) and form fitting workout clothing. at first i didn't like it because it showed off my non-to-sexy belly rolls, but it kept everything firm and from jiggling. I usually buy my stuff from Academy Sporting Goods (on lucky days i find great sales....other days I haggle the sales person till give me a coupon or something.. ). Not sure if there is one near you but you could also buy from eastbay i believe.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i was 350 when i started running:

    C25K definitely.

    i just got this sports bra and i adore it: http://www.womanwithin.com/clothing/Comfort-Choice-outwire-bra.aspx?PfId=198772&DeptId=24507&ProductTypeId=1 it's built inside out and srsly holds them in.

    i also wear a compression shirt - but for plus sizes, get a strong shapewear, b/c they don't make official compression shirts in plus size for less than a mortgage pmt. LOL. i actually have this: http://fashionbug.lanebryant.com/intimates/shapewear/seamless-underwire-cami-shapewear/5081c5104p54545/index.pro Fashion Bug for cheap and does a great job. i found it in the store in flesh tone.

    also, i do my C25K at a fast walk and a very slow jog. they're nearly the same pace. but that's ok. b/c i'm doing it.

    ETA: and the userpic you see? the still-has-a-lot-to-lose mud-encrusted chick on the end? that's me. after a mud run. at 325. tell yourself you can do it and you CAN.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Don't have the jiggle issue, but I started on the treadmill yesterday, for the first time. The only running I have done is when I was still at school, decades ago. Only been doing cycling for a year, and before that, only walking and stationary bike. But I managed 40 minutes at 6mph my first time yesterday, and today I went up to around 8mph and did 20 minutes. It gets a bit sweaty, and my legs were sure aching by the end, but I am really loving the energy it seems to give me for the rest of the day.

    Just start off with small spurts...walk, then jog a little then walk, until you get used to it and can make the time you are jogging longer.
  • forsettii
    forsettii Posts: 29
    Well I was having issues with my knees. I went to a running store and after they saw me walk and stand they recommended a different style of shoe. Then they fitted me properly for a pair of walking / Running shoes. I was wearing a size 1.5 too small.

    Now I have less pressure on my knees when I walk or attempt to run.

    I think any program that start gradually is the way to go. Find an app or program for your phone and go with it.
  • nikkiw283
    nikkiw283 Posts: 90
    I just did my first day of C25K. I am chesty & I wore my regular bra under my sports bra. It held me in place better than any sports bra I have tried.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    my EXTREME beginner runner tip.:happy:

    set a walk, ( I started with 1 mile) jog 10 steps on the way out, 10 steps on the way back. repeat 5 days a week. once a week, add .25 miles and 10 more steps of jogging.... once u hit 3 miles walking, you'll have a really good handle on the jogging and can start increasing number of steps jogging until you're jogging the whole thing.

    This is how I started.. it took a long time but now I do half marathons :happy:

    other advice
    TaTa tamer bra from lululemon
    and go to a really good running shoe store and get properly fitted for shoes that fit your feet and the way you walk and run properly!

    all the best to you! you CAN do this!! :):flowerforyou:
  • toffeewaffle
    toffeewaffle Posts: 23 Member
    I've started running into my workout. I jog for 40 sec. then walk for 2 min. Jog for 40 sec, walk for 2 min. I do this for a mile. As it get's easier you increase the jogging and decrease the walking.
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for the tips all-- I am feeling more and more like I can do this :smile:
  • HeealthyMee
    HeealthyMee Posts: 62 Member
    You've already gotten some great advice here.

    I agree with the running shop as a great starting point. Most runners are very supportive of each other and especially newer runners. We all started somewhere and we all know the challenges you meet as a runner both new and seasoned. A decent running shop will analyze yout gait and assist with finding a proper running shoe. They will also have great (and pricey) running gear and sports bras. Even if you do not buy your gear there, go and try them on so that you can feel what the support feels like and compare.

    I have a larger chest and have tried TONS of sports bras out there. Short of buying one that I can barely breath in, many are not that supportive. The most supportive (and least jiggly) are the ones which have a bra strap closure and adjustable arm straps as well. This way you can adjust the bra to a custom fit to suit the girls. This is the one I am favoring right now - I barely notice that I have a bra on when I run.

    I also support the compression gear folks. I recently bought a pair on sale at Old Navy and they were pretty decent. They weren't as "tight" (ie: compressed) as the others I have, but I like that a little better.

    Good luck to you and feel free to msg me/friend me if you'd like.

    And kudos to you for even starting! many people fear running so much that they won't even try. You are on the right track. :)
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    Get fitted for a sports bra. I'm uh..."blessed" with a large cup size and a proportionally smaller back, so I was already going to a specialty shop for my regular bras. It makes SUCH a difference. If they can find a bra that lets me run/jump without jiggling, they can help you. =)
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I want to start running too...OK, I don't but my oldest son wants to so I'm willing to give it a go. However, I HATE running! Stuff on me doesn't jiggle, it bounces. Like crazy...boobs, belly, butt...it's like my body is trying to beat the hell out of me for making it run :laugh:

    I was thinking of asking this same question but haven't gotten around to it so I'm glad you did lol
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Okay, I have never been a runner. I can bike/elliptical forever, but ask me to run and I feel like I can barely go for 3 minutes.

    I will be frank: it hurts. My fat and boobs jiggle. I want to start running, but I am embarassed to start at the gym on a treadmill. I have access to great trails and have tried the walk/run intervals, but I can't get past the pain of the jiggle.

    Girl, I was in the same boat when I started C25K. I wear compression shorts and two sports bras to keep everything in place and I promise you, it does get easier!! Feel free to add me for a beginner jogging buddy.
  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    You CAN do this! I'm on a super-slow running program at the moment. I'm 250lbs but even when I was (much) smaller I was never able to run. Ever. Five weeks ago I started by running for 30 seconds (half a circuit on the track at the gym) and walking for 2.5 minutes. I could only do it twice, then I was so exhausted and in so much pain I had to stop. This was despite (like you) being able to go for miles on the elliptical and bike, as well as swimming. Today? I ran for half a mile. HALF A MILE! Yes, I had walk breaks but they were in addition to the half mile running. I did four circuits at the gym. And I am so proud of myself I could burst. Just start out really slow and increase gradually and you can do it. Good luck!!
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    The first ten minutes suck then it gets better :) and the biggest investment is a sports bra! You can do this just push through the first 10 minutes.
  • elizabethl27
    elizabethl27 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey, I have some tips.

    Start off VERY SMALL. Do not worry about impressing anybody. You will hurt yourself if you do more than you handle. For example, I would start off with a half a mile. If you don't want to be at the gym, time yourself for about 7 minutes. If you can run about that time you have ran a half-mile..considering your beginning pace will be pretty slow. Also, if you have an iphone, there is an app called "runkeeper" that can track how far you run through gps. If not, timing seems to work!

    Now, do that half mile for about a week. Maybe run 3 times your first week. The next week increase it to either 3/4 a mile, or if you are ready, a mile. You might want to do this length for about 2 weeks.

    Slowly, slowly work up to 3 miles. From that point on, your body will be a lot more adjusted to running.

    Again, running is going to hurt at first. Stretch A LOT before you begin. Some runners don't stretch, but I can tell a big difference when I don't stretch.

    Bring a water bottle; you sweat tons.

    I love running outside. It is way less boring than a treadmill and you'd be suprised some of the things you get to see.

    Those are just some tips. If you keep up with running, you really learn to love it, and it makes your body look great!
  • Kronayne
    Kronayne Posts: 4
    Here's what I can tell you about me, I'm 5 3" and 240 when I started walking and could barely get a mile in. Did that at least 3 times a week and progressed to 5min of running, 5 min of walking on the treadmills. Kept going until I could run at a very slow pa e, but at least I am doing something. I don't run fast and can actually walk faster than I can run, but again at least I am doing something. I have just started walking / running outside and am up to 3.5 miles at least 4 times a week. I love being outside and hope to actually start and run an entire 5k this fall. I have walked the last few and am at the 15 min mile mark. Pavement is so different than the treadmills and I get a much better workout outside. As for bouncing, I wear the playtex for active folks and they work great. Good luck and keep going, you can do anything you put your mind too!