

  • :happy: First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your tremendous accomplishment. You need to eat more, especially lean protein. The protein shakes will give your body more energy, but won't help BUILD muscle. In order for your body to not go into starvation mode you must feed it.
  • I also have hypothyroidism, but i started with hypERthyroidism. It was really weird. I started out being constantly hungry no matter how much i ate and i ate a LOT! but was losing weight 2 - 3 pounds a week. My heart would race off and on and i would have hot flashes. I thought it was stress from my job because i was…
  • Clermont county about 20 miles east of Cincinnati
    in Ohio Comment by linb99 February 2012
  • I love Multi-grain cheerios. They're slightly sweetend which means you don't have to use sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss. It may seem that you have a long way to go, but just think: you dont have to lose those 8pounds! It's an old and corny saying but true: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep. You've taken that first step and you're on your way. There will be some days that you'll…
  • congratulations on the birth of your baby. i am a grandma now but i remember going nuts trying to lose my post delivery weight and being very frustrated because i couldnt seem to lose an ounce. finally talked to my doctor about it and found out a few things. while you are nursing you NEED extra calories, and if you're not…
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