

  • just reporting back - with a 2lb gain this week. I have to say though there is no way i ate 7000 extra calories :( survived on baguettes, noodles, cereal, & the delights of french cake shops! made sure i did at least 1 hour exercise every day - now to get the 5lb off so i get to target!
  • bit of both really - have cereals for breakfast - noodles for lunch - and may eat out for dinner...... besides the usual frogslegs & snails, cheeses & baguettes - what do french food places serve? (besides fruit & veg). i don't want to go down the fast food route like i did last time LOL
  • thank you for your helpful replies childofbodon - thanks for the help! i calculated I needed to eat around 1200 also - mostly due to being short LOL.......I just wasn't loosing on it really - kept loosing & gaining the same lb each week. i know the smaller you get the harder it is - but i've still a stone or so to go. mesh…
  • i feel for you as a fellow chronic migrane sufferer i have been under the care of a neurologist/headache specialist for 10 years. Migranes 4-5 days a week, with headache in between. I have tried everything - maxat, topamax, imigran, epilim - you name it I tried it. now I take NOTHING on a daily basis - we stopped all meds…