holidays and food

hi all

I am off to france tomorrow- camping for a week - no laptop/phone to get on MFP.
I'm planning on walking and swimming lots while we are there so thats my exercise sorted

But what should I eat?
Due to a health condition I can't eat fruit or vegetables........

last time we went abroad I survived on chips & ice-cream and put on 14lb in 2 weeks......

I am so close to my target - please somebody stop me pigging out!

What good choices would you make in France?

Thanks in advance.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Enjoy yourself!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    When in Rome (or in this case, France) do as the Romans do! Eat french food!! Don't eat chips and ice cream and crap, you can get that at home!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Don't make food the focus of your vacation. If you are camping, are you going to be making your own food or eating at restaurants?
  • kokosowner
    bit of both really - have cereals for breakfast - noodles for lunch - and may eat out for dinner......

    besides the usual frogslegs & snails, cheeses & baguettes - what do french food places serve? (besides fruit & veg). i don't want to go down the fast food route like i did last time LOL
  • sunnyflower1177
    Enjoy yourself and don't really focus on what you eat, just do moderation and with your exercise you'll be good---that's a promise.:} Hae fun!!!
  • kokosowner
    just reporting back - with a 2lb gain this week. I have to say though there is no way i ate 7000 extra calories :(

    survived on baguettes, noodles, cereal, & the delights of french cake shops!

    made sure i did at least 1 hour exercise every day - now to get the 5lb off so i get to target!