

  • Agreed, I am new also and have been very happy with everything so far! Have about 20 lbs to lose and can't wait to get started!
  • I weigh close to the same as in high school...about 160, but that was 4 babies ago including a set of twins...160 does not look the same 15 years later! Haha But I wasn't happy at 160...still not but my husband like some meat so aiming for a first goal of 140
  • I hear you! My husband is actually only about 15 lbs lighter than me but looks about 30 lbs lighter! How is that the case with men! He is part of my inspiration because while I know he loves me no mater what size I am, and he has seen me at many different ones! I also get you about the weight talk! Only the special close…
  • Wow that is awesome. Of course you should talk with your doctor but I can tell you from experience that putting on too much weight sucks in the end! I pur on 75 lbs with my 1st and it was horrible! Then 55 lbs with my twins which was rough but more in the normal range for twins, and finally only 28 with my most…
  • Probably also depends on how much you weighed before too, but I agree with some of the others, possibly only about half that was actual fat but good for you anyway! Keep going!