

  • I agree! I have had many temptations and I have survived-thank god! My biggest temptation was the weekend, you know when you are just sitting around watching tv and the cookies are staring at you from the kitchen lol When that happens I'm learning to get up and do something-like washing my car or organizing my closet. It…
  • I have lost five pounds!! Im soooooooooo excited! Thanks all for the support, Im so motivated and excited to keep going:happy:
  • I am trying to eat heathier but I have a problem! I might sound like a whiner but I cant STAND vegetables. Its a texture thing..just YUCK! I do like some fruits and try to eat them as often as possible. I have tryed eating salads and stuff like that but it absolutely grosses me out. I can't choke it down. lol I have just…
  • Thank you all so much for all the great advice and support. I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink:
  • Ok, I need some advice. I have been big most of my life and have always wanted to lose the weight. I have spells where I'm like YES I am going to do this finally and end up giving up within a couple of weeks because I had a bad day at work or family issues. I find comfort in food, its like a drug to me. I have lost some…
  • I have found that I have a couple hundred calories left over at the end of the day because I have burned so many calories. Do I really need to use up those calories or is it ok if I just skip it? I'm not hungry and don't want to eat just for the sake of eating.
  • Hi, heard about this site through a co-worker. I like it so far, hopefully it will help me keep my eating habits under control. I lost quite a bit of weight prior to my wedding in September but have put some back on since due to working a lot of overtime, not having time to workout and some debt problems :( (comfort…