

  • Since I've just joined it would be rude not to do as instructed! What's your name? Ali Where do you live? Scotland How long have you been riding? 34 years What's your discipline? Endurance riding What's your horse's name/breed (if applicable)? Number one riding pony is called Pendragon - he's an Exmoor pony Small but…
  • Cheese gromit! Not necessary just wensleydale but cheese cheese cheese - with a few crackers to complement! And then just a wee bit more cheese :D
  • Congratulations :) I've been here two weeks - managed to lose 2.3kg thanks to mfp app combined with endomondo Onwards and downwards to you, me and everyone else :D
  • 1) So my pony has an easier time carrying me 2) So I can keep up with the dog round an agiility course as he's pretty good at itso far and I'm not 3) So I can go to the Art Deco weekend in Napier in two years time with my sis and not feel and look like the goodyear blimp in the 1930s clothing