mellstein Member


  • i've been doing this for 5 months, i log everything and i'm really really good about sticking to my food and workout goals...when i started i'd drop 1 to 1.5lbs per week. now it's taking a few weeks to drop 1lbs... just sticking with it and logging everything helps.
  • pizza on the grill! grilled pizza is great because it's super yummy, fast and doesn't require much cheese! i normally make two at the same for the boys and one for me (they don't like the stuff on their pizza that i like).
  • i too tend to eat lighter during the weekend days if i know i'm going out to eat or have a birthday party to attend...i also try to make sure to fill up on low cal stuff before i leave the house. i also try to make sure to exercise before i leave the house on those festive days (need to have more calories to eat!).
    in Help! Comment by mellstein May 2012
  • I've been running for almost a year and a half and I'm in the same boat...2.5 miles is about it. I would really like to add time and miles but I'm finding it really hard.
  • Any ideas out there?
  • hi hi! i have a 3yr old and work 4 days a week. i manage to get up early (5am to run most work days) and i try to walk during my lunch break. i find walking during lunch is a very productive use of time and i can focus more on my family when i get home.:bigsmile:
  • Mine are shrinking way faster than the rest of me...hoping the rest catches up quick. Lol:wink:
    in Boobs Comment by mellstein April 2012
  • same story at my, when my hubby eats things that look really good, i'll have a bite or two. just enough to get the flavor and not have the craving. it works really good for us;)
  • 7lbs in 7 weeks....slow and steady.:wink:
  • I'm having the same problem...suggestions?