

  • Of course not, its just one way to get there and I think will work pretty well for my wife. Shes been doing an full body weightlifting program for a while now (with real lifts) and does "pole fitness" as well. She was in pretty good shape for starting crossfit, but a few of the intro lessons and she could feel where her…
  • Reduce calories to lose weight. Weight lift to look good naked and thin. Cardio for cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Running to lose weight its like lifting for cardiovascular health. Sure they help but are pretty inefficient at it.
  • My wife has a good deal of experience with weight lifting and its over all pretty fit muscle wise. She does want to lose 15-20 lbs, and recently started crossfit. Starting crossfit though has NOTHING to do with those lbs and everything to do with being more fit. Provided you go to a good gym for it (key word being good)…
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