Crispix, Captain Crunch, Honey bunches of oats, and plain cheerios is what I alternate between.
I don't think weighing every day is very helpful because your weight fluctuates constantly throughout the day. I find it discouraging and weigh myself every other week and measure myself every other week as well. I've heard that measuring is more beneficial than weighing. But if it works for you than go for it! =]
If you're still wondering, I'm on Sensa right now and I wouldn't say it is as glorious as the commercials make it out to be. What it does is fill you up faster and it keeps you satisfied longer. So if you have a problem with over eating, I'd say it is worth it. I got it at Costco for like $25 for the first month and it has…
Thank you all so much for the encouragement!!! <3
I added new pictures if you wanna see. The new ones are the ones where I'm wearing shorts.
HAHA!! Yes, master.