

  • Im in :) I reached a block in the road and lost all motivation last week :( Im in satges og moving house so im just picking up food and eating it not thinkng about it ( tut tut) But as of yesterday im back on track and more motivated then ever, new home, new me :) My weigh in is 13st 2lbs x x x
  • I absolutley adore Zumba and ive only been twice. I used to find it difficult to slave away for 10 mins on a bike in the gym sooo boring , but Zumba im in there for an hour, sweating buckets , laughing and just not having a care in the world. Im one of teh bigger girls in the class ( obviosuly lol) but no one laughed, no…
    in ZUMBA! Comment by gandsooz August 2010
  • Congratulations thats fantatstic well done x x x x
  • hehehe thanks all :) One thing i can do its shake my booty !!!! Gimme some shakria and im off lol x x x
    in Zumba ? Comment by gandsooz August 2010
  • Water is just a fanatsic weight loss tool and it works on so many levels, It helps your skin, your water weight , makes you feel fresh. If you dont like water you can have green teas or any herbal tea really it will give it a nice tatse will your still consuming water, or even watermelon. I have a big 2litre water bottle…
  • You look fantastic well done :) x x x x