

  • Thank you all I will look intoyour suggestions
  • Greek yogurt I love but I cant swallow cottage cheese lol I have the same problem with fetta and blue cheese any others are ok I bought some polaner sugar free strawbery jam its 10 cal per table spoon I use half amd just suck it up and eat it you gotta play to win right lol
  • I gave up profanity lol no food the hard part is gonna be trying to get 40 grams of protein for under 300.calories I do eggs 5 whites one whole
  • Lol I dont mind the.casein I hate the cottage cheese might as well hold a gun to my head lol but cant beat 180 calories and 28 grams of protein for a quick snack on the go
  • I sd o a post workour shake a a shake before bed the shake before bed is casein protein amd the other is 100%.whey I also do 3 meals and 4 snack a day my snacks are greek yogurt 0% plain 1% lowfat cottage cheese oatmeal and a bannana with 2 tbs organic peanut butter in my meals I stick to fish lean beef chicken and turkey
  • Protein feeds your muscles and you are always using them I do a shake every day and on my workout days I do two I try to do atleast 1gram of protein per body weight on off days and 1.5 on workout days I still manage to stay under 2200 calories and under 65 grams of fat per day most of my fat is in my two table spoons of…